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Fiat Ecu Scan 2 7

Writer's picture: sporladpocosilyrecsporladpocosilyrec

Multiecuscan is a vehicle diagnostic software with advanced functions. It allows you to perform various diagnostics tasks on the supported vehicles/modules. In order to use the software you need an interface. The following interfaces are currently supported by the software: KL (also known as VagCom 409), ELM327 (1.3 or newer), OBDKey 1.40, OBDLink, ELM Scan 5, CANtieCAR.Bluetooth OBDKey, ELM 327 and OBDLink interfaces are fully supported but not recommended for special functions (like PROXI Alignment, remote control programming, IMA coding, etc.)!CANtieCAR is a professional multi-protocol interface with multiplexing capabilities.

FiatECUScan is a Windows application that lets you identify software problems in various car modules like the engine control unit, transmission, ABS and airbags. It is possible to display scan results on the screen in real time.

Fiat ecu scan 2 7

After starting the app you can select the required vehicle manufacturer and model from the list in the main window. The next step is to choose the internal module to work with. Similar to VAG K Can Commander, there are buttons for connecting to specific car components and scanning all Diagnostic Trouble Codes. Moreover, it is possible to get details about the component including its technical attributes, overall usage time and other information.

Fully compatible with the diagnostic software version 409.1 from VAG-COM. VAG-COM is a software program that turns your PC into a sophisticated VW/Audi diagnostic tool, which performs the functions of a factory VAG-1551 or VAG-1552 scan tool and more. Users of AlfaDiag will find no problems with using this interface.

Scanmatik 2 PRO is a professional multibrand scanner designed for diagnostics of electronic control systems of American, European, Japanese and Russian vehicles. It can be used as a J2534 device with a large number of diagnostic programs and flashers made for standard interfaces SAE J2534 and RP1210.

Our Bluetooth OBDII scanner is compatible with any OBDII compliant vehicle, regardless of the make. This includes, but is not limited to: FORD, CHEVY, TOYOTA, HONDA, LEXUS, MERCEDES, BMW, AUDI, HYUNDAI, KIA, MAZDA, MITSUBISHI, NISSAN, VW, SUZUKI, JAGUAR, LAND ROVER, CHRYSLER, GM....... AND SO MUCH MUCH MORE!

Enhance Your Experience.This LAUNCH SCANNER X431 PRO5 bidirectional scan tool also features bi-directional control to perform specific tests and functions without using the vehicle's own controls to save time. For example: using the diagnostic tool to command the fuel pump on. If the fuel pressure gauge shows proper fuel pressure, you'd know the fuel pump circuit and pump are functioning properly. The process just takes

Maximize Your IntelligenceThis intelligent escaner automotriz professional will automatically identify the make, model, and manufacture year in one touch; help you match the right software so the diagnosis will be carried out fast and efficiently. You will also enjoy how smart it would be to record the test results as Inspection Report, being done by itself, letting you maintain vehicle health logs and share the information easily.

Expand Your BusinessThis LAUNCH X431 diagnostic scanner scan tool can be combined with compatible functional modules (sold separately) to meet your various diagnostic scenarios: 1) ADAS Calibration Toolkit: calibrate driver assistance systems; 2) VSP-600 VideoScope: inspect areas inaccessible; 3) X431 TSGUN: full-capacity TPMS functions; 4) BTS360 Bluetooth Battery Tester: test battery in-vehicle or out-of-vehicle; 5) X-PROG & X-PROG3 Immobilizer

I6 THE HSRIGTON WASHINGTON HERALD HERA THURSDAY THUBsDaUs19o7 AUGUST 29 1907fRECRUITS LOOK GOOD GOODCantil10nCantiilon Says He Has Some SotneSuture SomeFut1ucSuture Stars StarsDOUBIiEHEADER StarsDOUBIiBILEADER j jj jDOIJBEEffBADEE jDOIJBEEffBADEE WITH BOSTON BOSTONNational BOSTONntlonnJHNational Will ill Open a Series with ivltliMcGnires wltbJlcGnircMcGnires Club nt National Park ParkThis ParkThis rar rarThisThis Afternoon AttcrnoonDJnllkenlfbh BlankcnshliJ and andWarner nndnrncrWarner nrncr Are Ready Rend to Vork WorkTomukin VorkTOInlklnTomukin and Shannon Go GoThe GoTheThe Nationals NatIon returned from f m the West Westearly Westarlyearly last night and this tbI afternoon the theclub theclubclub will open with a doubleheader a athreeday athr athreenaythreeday thr RY aeries with Jim McGirires Bos Boston Boton Bc ton team tenmDespite teamDespiteDespite the fact that there was 188 nothing nothingremarkable n nothIngremarkable USlne USlneremarkableremarkable about the number of ames giunewon ameswon gemeewonwon by b the club while on the Western Westerncircuit twtern twterncircuitcircuit of o the league Joe Cantllton thinks thinksthat thinkstbat thlnkthatthat the trip was was in a way highly satis satisfactory tis t1s factory as it demonstrated that several severalof aever1otof the latest recruits are real ball play players pla plaera playera era who will shine after a little more moreexperience moreexpeJ1enexperience expeJ1en In Milan UIan the manager manager be believes be believes lieves that he has one of the very best bestplayers be beatplayers t tplaersplayers picked up by any major league leagueciub leA e eclubclub and nd so well has the Wichita man manshown manshownshown up that he will probably ie oe e alter alternated alternated alternated nated with Jones JODea Clymer and Ganley Ganleyuntil Ganle Ganleuntiluntil it is demonstrated emon which three men menare menareare the best for the regular re 1ar outfield posi positions positions posttions tions tionsEvery tionsEveryEvery member of the team who was wasseen wuaeenseen last night expressed the opinion that thatit thatitit will be some time before Tony Smith Smiththe Smiththe Smtththethe Galveston shortstop abort top leaves lea ves the theAmerican ueAmtrIcan theAmericanAmerican League When John Anderson Andersontook Andersontooktook French leave the club was in a abad abadbad way wa for players and Cantilkm agreed agreedtoto give glv Smith a tryout try out intending to re return return turn the player te t the Texas league as assoonsoon ag a some other inflelder could be ob obtained obtained tained From the beginning nntnl Smith star starred starredred In the field and so sensational was washis washis as asJishis work in several games that even the theWestern theWestemWestern writers wno who are not inclined to toenthuse toenthuseenthuse oer young players on visiting visitingteams VtMtingteams tine tinettamteams were practically unanimous in de declaring de dedaring daring Smith most promising promisingKing promlsiDlKing promisingKingKing Bill Kay did good work with the thebat thebat thebatbat in praoticaily every game in which whichhe whichhehe ne participated but the only drawback drawba k to tothe tothethe big West W 8t Virginian is his slowness In Inthe Inthethe field and on the bases If be could couldovercome couldoercomtovercome these e two weaknesses Kay Kaywould Kaywould Kaywouldwould be a most m t valuable man for all of ofthe ofthe 01thethe pitchers against whom be hit seem seemed em emto ed to look the same to the big bt fellow fellowPete fellowPetePete OBrien did such good work ork Alter afterjoining Alterjoiningjoining the club that Cantiilon gave him himthe himthethe preference over Bill Shipke OBrien OBrienhas OBrienbas OBrienhashas hit bit and fielded fairly well but his hisgreatest his hisgrt8test hisgreatestgreatest strength lies In his ability to todirect 18diltIsLdirect the infield on sudden plays when whenquick whellqtick whenqtlck Lquick thinking is necessary necessaryDave ry ryDaveDave Altizer has been performing bet better bettfor better ter at first base than he did at either eithershortstop eI r rshortstopshortstop or center field and the exoat exoatlaw exoutlalaw la w will probably finish the th season at atthe atthe 1 1thethe initial corner cornerAs cornersAs A s soon as Jim Blocks Block finger mended mendedCintillon mendedC IC Cintillon mtlUon had no further use for Shan Shannon Shannon non the catcher who was wa loaned by byMike bylike b rMike like Kelley when Heydon quit the dub dubso dubsaso the backstop backstophas has hs been returned to toDes toDes t tDesDes Moines Moln and the catching will be bedone bedone bdone by Kahoe Block and Blankenship BlankenshipBlankenship BlanknshlpBlankenshipBlankenship had his injured digit exam examined examIned ined by a Wisconsin conatn specialist while wh e tb tbclub the theclubclub was on the road The Th doctor told toldthe toldthe tOICthe Ithe catched that the finger had been Get Getproperly setpro ne t tproperlyproperly pro ry but that no Do attempt should be bemade 1femade b i imademade to play until the injured member memberhad rhad had a rest restYesterday restYYesterday Y fsterday Blankenship Blankenahl was wa at the park parkcatching parkrathing par Ccatching Hughes and last night he re reported reported reported ported to Cantilion that he feels that he heis heIs hiis ready to to get into harness at once The Themanager Tbemanag Thimanagermanager manag r thinks that It would be foolish foolishto h hto t ttoto take a chance at this time so the Cal Californian Caltrornlan Californianifornian is not likely to play for a week weekAnother eek eekAAnother A nothfr bit of encouraging encoura tnc ceived reiy d by Cantiilon yesterday was that tJack Warner will rejoin the club at once onceand onceand or C Candand will be able to work within a a weekThis news came cam m In a a letter from War Warners Warners Warners ners doctor in New York Jack Is ex expected expected cxpected pected here today or tomorrow tomorrowGranvllle tomorrowGranvJUe tomorrowGranvilleGranvllle Tonkin Tonkinthe the pitcher who whochtained was wasobtained v vchtalnedobtained from Martinsburg Mutln Martlnsbur burg W r Va at atthe atthe a t tthethe same time as Kay has been shipped shippedto shipeitoto Des Moines to develop under the uM eye eyeof eie eieof Cof Mike Kelley Kelle Tonkin showedup upstrong upstrong ui uistrongstrong in practice but in the only game gamein gameIn geniiinin which he twirled was wa so wild thatCantiilon decided to give ve him a little littlemore littlemore littlemoremore minor league experience It is isunderstood isundt isunderstoodunderstood undt > rstood that a string Is attached to toTonkin toTonkinTonkin and be can be recalled If he hedoes hedoes heaa does good work in the Western league leagueIn leagueIn leagueInIn case Cantiilon Cantillonshould should decide to let letTony letTony letTonyTony Smith go and leave the position positionofof shortstop to Altfeer and McBride the theWashington theaahJngton theWashingtonWashington aahJngton club could realize a neat sum sumin sumin sumInin a saie of the former fonoerTexas Texas leaguer leaguerCharley leaguerCbarle leagueChancyCharley Cbarle Comtekey Coml key sounded the Washi Washiington Wash Washington Washingtonington manager while Smith was doing doinggreat doingat doinggeatgreat at work In Chicago but Cantiilon told toldthe toldthe toldthethe Old Roman that there was nothing nothingdoing nothln nothlndoing nothingdoingdoing in a sale of the young shortstop shortstopatat this time George Tebeau telegraphed telegraphedCantilkxn telegraphedCanU110n telegraphedCantllonCantilkxn that the fame of little Smith Smithhad Smithhad Smithhadhad spread to Kansas City and that that thatclub thatclub j jclubclub was willing wiU to part with SCIOO 2000 ini iniexchange In Inexchange inexchangeexchange for the player IJI yer but Cantiilon Cantlllondeclined Cantillondeclined jdeclined to consider the bid bidNot bidNot bidNotNot a word has been received by any anyof anyof anyofof the officiate of the club from John JohnAnderson JohnAnder JohnAndersonAnderson on or Ned Heydon and nothing nothingisis known of their plant for the future futureUntil futJrerntU futureVntIlUntil the players make makeome some moves 1IIOVtS they theywill theywill theywillwill be kept under suspension which whichbars whichba whichbarsbars ba r them from organized ball bailCharley ballCharley balLChancyCharley Smith and Jim Block will be beWashingtons beWuhlnton beWashingtonsWashingtons battery in the opening openinggame op openinggame nlng nlnggamegame today while bile Walter Johnson and anduke hd hdMike d dMikeMike Kahoe I ahoe will 111 probably bIy perform in inthe Inthe Inthethe latter lat r contest Cy Young may pitch pitchone pitchone pitchoneone of the games for ron Boston BostonBecause BostonBecau BostonBecauseBecause e of trouble over the permit and andInsurance andInsura andInsuranceInsurance Insura e the work of building a club clubhouse clubhonae clubhouse house at National Park has not yet been beenstarted beenstated beenntatndstarted This morning a conference will willbe fillbe flL flLbebe held between the builders and Cn Cntlllon CautInon Cantilontlllon and it is hoped to have the house houseready J1OU8eready housereadyready for the reception re pUon of the players playerswhen playerswhen payers payerswhenwhen the club returns from the last trip tripof trIpof tripofof the season on September 14 14 In the themeantime themeantime themeantimemeantime the men will dress at theirhotels and go to the grounds in automo biles bilesIn bileeIn bileaInIn going after a fly in one of the games gamesat gamesll gamesatat St St Louis Loul Otis Clymer slipped and the theball theball theballball hit him on the point of his shoe sb08 rip ripping ripping ripping ping one of his toenails completely off offClymer ofClymer offClymerClymer was in agony qOl1 for a while When Whenhe Whenhe hen henhehe came bopping oppln to the bench Cantttkm Cantttkmtold CantJIlolltold Cantiflontoldtold him that hewould have made a agreat alNat agreatgreat catch had he had his stove fn n his htetoe hIi1toe histoetoe and andwell wellanyhow Clymer has re recovered reeoveM recovered covered and will probably be In the thegame thegame thegamegame today todayIn todaylu todayInIn todays doubleheader the Nationalslineop will probably be AHizer first firstbase ftrstbase firstbasebase Delehanty second secon4ba base Tony TSmith shortstop OBrien third base baseClymer bAseLJymer baseClymerClymer left field Jones Jo eS or Milan lIpan center centerfield eentOr eentOrn cent r rfieldfield n ld Ganley right field Kahoe K oe and andBlock aDdBlock andBlockBlock catchers and Charley Smith and andJohnson andJohD andJohnsonJohnson JohD on pitchers pitchersHEIDELBERG piteh pitchersHEIDELBERG rs rsHEIDELBERGHEIDELBERG HEIDELBERGTheThe Premier Cigar of Today TodayHENDERSON TodczyHENDERSON TodrzyHENDERSONHENDERSON e CO Agents Agents143Z1432 N Y YAve Ave and ro th and nd FStj N W WSS>CAUGHT CAUGHTON George McBride MeThideis Is Is batting tOO C8 for Kan Kanset Kanaft Kanaset aft seil a City CityBender CttyBender t4tyBenderBender landed tandtdtweh twelva straight and lost losthis losttIs lostshis il s thirteenth by th t the 9hnrdut > hardest idnd of ofluck ofhick ofcklu luck ckluckSuchSuch uelc Venable V ntibllJ of o this thlsclt city ity keeps keepsp t Ops Opsupup u p his goffd go d work at third IrdbuQ base for forVhe tGr1beeJllI5 forbeelIngW Vhe 1beeJllI5 1beeJllI5Nag beelIngNig iisr iisrNigNig Perrlne has not hit DOt N slnoo slnoohe slnOihe sln slnJoinedhe hea joined Minneapolis M1nn o1m His latest aver average 8vorage averge age a ge is 498l 498lFmnk 1RlPrankItllen l lFrankhenaFrank lPrankItllen KUlen tire timplro Who rho was as asmuUed assautetl asultedmuUed na ulted at JS EftnsJIle ansvJle last week we k Is able ableto ablehato heout b out again againSun againSam againSamSam Edmonston the Washrngtonlan Washrngtonlanhithit hi t 381 for 13 games for Des Moines in inthe inthe Inethe th e Western restern league loaguaThere IOftgu IOftguThere leagueThereThere liave been some 05 shutouts In Inthe Inthe Inethe th thI e Connecticut League to t more than ICO ICOin 1tIOII 1fOthein I the New England EnglandManager EaglandMauager EnglandManagerManager Smith of Atlanta fined Pitch Pitcher PltchSpade PitchSpade er It Spade ID 10 the other day for falling to tocover tocover toovercover c over first on a bunt buntJoe buntJoe buntJoeJoe Stanley Stanle seems unable to hit a good goodstride gOOi1strtde goodridestride st ride at Louisville Bin record for the theseason the8eH theasunseason 8eH se asun n thu tqUI ua far Is only 821 821Jerry 1t211errY 21 21Ser1yJerry Freeman t te e c future National Nationalhas NaUonalhas Nationaldroppedhas dropped droppedofC off a few prints nts In Itta h1abll h1ablltm ht httlhg hitzigtlhg tm ti zig His average is nOw now 2flS 2flSShannon mShannon 2SShannonShannon the new new backstop had a abatting nbatting aattingbatting b record of 288 S when Cantiilon or ordered ordered orared dered d ared him to join the Nationals NationalsJess NationalsJUI NationalsJoenJess Burkett has been released by the theWorc tIeWotCestel theorceatetWorc WotCestel W orceatet stef club but It Is a good wdger wdgerhe wigere ger gerhehe h e will be signed again next season seasonTefieaus 8e8SnTe seasonTelletusTefieaus Te eaus two teams Louisville and andKansas andansas nd ndansasKansas K ansas ansas City are very W close to each other otherin otherIn otherthein the American Am riaan Association race raceColumbus raceColumbus raceColumbusColumbus won one game out of eight eightplayed otghtplaed eightlayedplayed p layed in Milwaukee thIs season ZS0 aa aathan raid auethen raidhenthan t took both games of a doubleheader doubleheaderJohnny doublehe doubleheaderJohnny der derJehnnyJohnny Kling great catcher and pool poolshark poolshark poolharkshark s hark uses u es a 20pound = pound stick In the th for former former forer mer i er business and a 28ounee 2Ioun cue In the thelatter theJatt1 theatterlatter latterJake Jatt1 l atterJake r rJakeJake Stahls team nas vtas s shut out 4 to toe tolast0 last Sunday Sund t Doe Hillebrand pitching pitchingfor pitcAl pitcAltor pitchlnorfor f or Stahls club was ftS touched up for f r ten tenhit tanblta tonitshit blta h its by a Chicago semipro outfit outfitLarry outfitLarry ut t tLarryLarry Lajole will b be thirtytwo years yearsof yearsof yearsfof o f age on onSeptembor September S L and Cleveland Clevelandfans Cloveandfans Clevelandansfans f ans are preparing prep rlng for a groat demon domorfstratton demontratlon demostrattonstratton s on that day for the leader of ofthe atthe ofhethe t he Naps NapeJlnunie NapsJimmie NapsJimmieJimmie Lavinder who held Portsmouth Portsmouthtoto t o one run In eighteen innings on Satur Saturday Saturda Saturay day da d ay has been sold to t the Athletics and andwfll andw andvflIwfll l report there after the Virginia league tengueetoeee engueclo leaguelosesetoeee etoeeeThey c M MThey losesTheyThey say that Outfielder Burke is re reneVoing reewingewing n his acquaintance with the fences foneesin fencesnin i n the Connecticut league le gue This Is the theplayer thoplayer thelayerplayer p layer Chic 0 Green recommended to toJake toJake tokeJake J ke Stahl last year yearMartin yo yearMartin r rMartnMartin Martn Walsh alsll brother of the famous famousEd famousEd famousWalshEd Walsh WaJah at the White Sox Sox Is the theleading theINdIDC theeadingleading l pitcher of the Danville Da1JIete team m of ofthe otthe ofhethe t he Virginia Vlr nl League Lea e and is lOAding the theleague thel theagueleague l le ague having won thirteen out of fifteen lifteengame ftlteengames fifteenamesgame g ames Ho Is fbtttng batting about aboUtW aboUtW5qtao 351 351SajNttho 3 3SaythoSajNttho Springfield Republican If Con ConDanaher ConDanahet ConDanahotDanaher has succeeded In making the theNew theNew theNewNew York National part with real mon money money ey 0 7 for West r 5t and Wade hes a dandy dandyBoth dandyBoth dandyoth0BBoth B oth are good ood men in the Connecticut Connecticutleague Connectleutleague Connecticuteagueleague l eague but they dont shine much even eventhere oventhere evenherethere thereTommy thereTomm t hereTommyTommy Tomm Connolly who succeeded Sheri Sheridan Sheridan Sherlan dan d an on the local field Is the most popu popular popular popur lar m r umpire on the staff both with players playersand playersand pisyersndand a nd bugs He does his work earnestly earnestlyand earnestl earnestlaDd earnestlyndand a nd does net excite the animosity antmosU of the theplayers thepIR1ers thelayersplayers p layers and crowd by snarls sralDet enarIeDetrtt enarIeDetrttournal Detrrtt DetrrttJournal t tJournalJournal JournalOn JournalOn J a aOnOn Bowlers day bet h er 10 10 New York will send on Outfielder OutfielderBrowne OutfielderBrowne OutfielderBrowneBrowne the Washington boy OO for the thespeed thespeed thepeedspeed s contests Brooklyn will send Ma Matoney MaIone Maosteytoney Ione l ostey for base running and Mclntire for forthe forthe forhethe t he fungo hitting Chicago will send sendKlUg sendKIIg sendKIIgKIIg for the throwing throwingflIINiimJport throwingWnN throwIngVPflhIrntortWnN VPflhIrntort flIINiimJport m Port Is begging the batting battinghonors btitUngboftors battinginhonors in the TrlState Joe Detehanty Detehantycontinues D6lehantycontinues Delehantyontinuescontinues c to hold his place at the head headof heador headfof o f the league le gU8 procession proce slon with 116 11 hits hitsfor hitsCor hitsorfor f or fit times at bat an average of MS MSWolverton It ItWolverton Z13WolvertonWolverton has a percentage of 10 points pointsleas pointse poIntsessleas l ess and nd Is second then comes OHar OHarWhen OHarben OHarWhenWhen ben Kittredge was manager of the theMontreal theMontrealR theMorurealsMontreal he was roasted by the news newspapers ne newsiepers s sPflperli papers l and fans for exchanging Hunter HunterHill HunterHm HunterHIllHill the exNational for Jlmrnie Cor Corcoran Corcoran Corcotan coran and T08 S7 75 It now appears that he hehad hebad hebadbad all the beat of the deal for since sincejoining sincejoining sinceoiningjoining j the Canucks Corcoran has been beenhitting ooenhitting beenhittinghitting over 300 and putting up a good goodgame goodgame goodgamegame at shortstop Besides Corcoran orcoran 1s 1sIt rs rsa Is Isaa young player and Hill who wh is now on onthe onthe onthethe disabled list has seen his best days daysINDEPENDENCE daysINDEPENDENCE daysINDEPENDENCEINDEPENDENCE LEAGUE LEAGUEDlooiulnprdale LEAGUEDloomlnJdale LEAGUE3loomlngdaleDlooiulnprdale I Scores Second Victory VictoryOver VictoryI VictoryOverOver Independents IndependentsSTANDING IndepcndentSTANDING IndependentsSTANDINGISTANDING OF THE TEAMS TE Sw V L L Pet PdIDdepeIDdepe 8 3 78 78s8 mtt s8 B 4 m7 7 808W L L PetRteemiBfMe B flleeuski lals 58 58lni 5 8 8Ikeok 8Bracelni Brace iIe 1Id1 B 5 8 J85 J85ReMrrair i iitereirReMrrair 5 M JWass ptaeBtomfasdale ga BIoemgdale AtUetie Ghte TS TSat T5Co UCO5NNiOSSMCo CO5NNiOSSM JII la at DevJUs Field FMdWith FteIdVJth a aWithWith Walsh aJsh on the rubber yesterday yesterdayevening yesterdayevening yesterdayeveningevening at McDevltts FIeld FlcIdUt the Bloom Bloomingdales BloomIDgdaes Bloomingdalesingdales won their second victory over overthe oerthe overthethe Independent crew by b b3 the close margin marginof marginof marginofof 2 to 1 L The big twirler was in prime primecondition primecondition primeconditioncondition and allowed but four scattered scatteredhits SCAtteredhits scatteredhitshits at least st three of which were knocked knockeddown knockeddown knockeddowndown by the Infield but were too hot hotto hotto hottoto handle in time to retire the runner runnerTaggart runner runnerTaggart runnerTaggartTaggart who opposed Walsh was also alsoon alsoOnon 0 his mettle fanning one more than his hisopponent blsopponent hisopponentopponent and allowing the same number numberof numbeot numberofof hits hitsDonn hitsDonn hitsDonnDonn led with the stick for forthe the winners winnerswith winnerswith winnerswithwith a twobagger out of two trips to the thepan thepan thepsnpan while Fegan and Busey Buse in the out outgarden outgarden outgardengarden and Nau and Siler on the In Infield n nfield nfield field led in fielding some of the hard hardchances hardebances hardchanceschances they th y handled evoking much ap applause applsuse plause plauseFor plaueeFor plsuseForFor the Independents Boushees two twobagger twobagger twobaggerbagger which scored Turton after Mad Maddux Maddux Maddux dux melted his blow to short was the theonly theonly theonlyonly clean swat obtained obtn nd by his team teamwhile teamwhUe teamwhilewhile Menefee and Turton did well in the thefield thefieldfield fieldThroe fieldThroe fieldThroeThroe rattling double plays pla s were too features footures tootures tures of the contest contestThe QOntestThe eontestTheThe offtcTal score se ren Bloemieg Rq RHO RHODH RHOAB ILHOABDoesDH e c 11518 1 1 5 1 1LeIuMILeIuMI fit e 0 1 150 150yea I 8 8NAqNAq yea M 1 2 2MIoMIIIItxMIoMIIIItx as ss5 8 1 1Jan6aJan6a 1andes d ct5 I I 1 1P 15 15FenlfP aa Fenlf It 01110 01110Ms 1 lie lieaeeMs aee 1 lb 11780 1 11700Bc1 1 1 1BIiKJBIiKJ d rt01100 rt01100SfievSb 01100 0 1 1 0 0 0SlIerSlIer SfievSb 3b 88240 e 55240Salth 2 4 4ww Salth p 88810 98510ToteM 8 1 1TotalsTotals 4 41ElOl 1BM 1Iitdep l R ItHOAE H 0 A EThomas ss 5 85S 06308 0 e 3 0 IIITurtaB Th Turt3b b 11200 1 112001enfce 1 2 IIMerwfee Iencfce 2b 01208 0 1 2 0 eBtwkee tueltee rf 0 1 0 8 8an 0 01arnhaManatoa an loR c Co 0 0 7 1 8McDonald 11 lb lb0 8 1 1310 3 1 8 8Rectrs11R ilaleer d 00000Rectrs R RegerIf If 00108 1 0Tart p pO 0 0 0 Ole OleTotals 1 1Totala 9 9TotalsTotals I 141135 413 4 18 3 81e 1 1 0 0 0 02I Iedepdents 1000001 1000001Earned 1 0 0 0 0 01 01Eunfd oiEnwdEarned mo naaDloomlllgdale rsnBIoceniagde BteomiBgdele First base on error e error1nakatadnite CtI Independents Left on basosIadepcndeBts ba Idepcnde a 5Btoowinpfale 2 Pl FIrst t base en ballsOff Walsh 1 1off 1Tagutoff Tafsart t 2 Struck o outBy trBy Walsh 5 by y Tag Taggertsari 1 Twob T Ivisleus Kt hltoDona BouNce Stolen ba bQlIeDDMId basas basasMcDoeald McDwald llBsey Jiax m DODD 2 9 Doobie Doobiejtoj DouNePa Dmble15sJrsruiaPa 15sJrsruia jtoj T rtOH HMMlKed Denn to Slier JIcDoa JIcDoaaM McIJoaaid rcD9Raidaid te to Tlwmaa Hit bj pitcherBy Walsh 2 WhO WhOjtchTaggert VKd VKdr4tcn ld lditcbTaggvtr4tcn itcbTaggvt Taggvt Umpire UmJlireIr Mr Sannino Time cf cdaael1MMtr ofaae1aael1MMtr aae1 1 l boir r and 17 1 aioutes aioutesBroolclyn JBioo JBiooDrooldyn ainuteaBrooklynBrooklyn Methodists Iethodl tfl Won WonThe WonThe Von VonTbeThe Brookland Methbdlsts walloped d the theReservoir theReservoirReservoir Re eJOlr team In the Independence IndependenceLeague IndependenceLea IndependenceLeagueLeague Lea ue at the Brooklyn Oval yesterday yesterdayevening yesterd yesterdayeveningevening and with the score 14 to 0 in intheir IntieIrtheir t etr favor were awarded the contest contestwh contestwben ontestwh when fourth inning The Methodist team out outclassed outclaase4 classed c1 set their opponents In every depart department departmont mont of the game gameA same sameA jhmeAA FRAUD FRAUDL FRAUDLOOK LOOK OUT FOR FOR III3I III3IAny 11131thyAny An solicitor irho comes t070U t070UIt to with It ith It a prize scheme representinghimself dlre directly tl or or indirectly Inc l ctlYt tobe connected with Ub this thL ncnjftpaper ncnjftpaperThe nenftpnperThe neipaperTueThe WnHblnpton nJllblngton Herald is a fraud fraauanil fmUilnnl fraudantianti an Impolite bent upon sfwin sfwindlins lJTindUn awindllugdlins dUn you OU Cc On On O th thl tIl lookout for forhim for111mhim him and turn tur blat uvcr to the thepolice thevollce thepolicepoliceWHITE WHITE uflllja IIITE QAY SOX bUA QUTTT uflul SHUT OUT Uul UulCleveland OUT OUTCleveland OUTClevelandCleveland Downs the Cham Chami Champions CliampOllSipions J pOllS ions by 5 to O 0BUT OBUT oBUTBUT FOUR HITS OFF BHOADES BHOADESDnxlyti1 RHO EKOADESDustys ES ESDUHtYHDnxlyti1 Victory la lalUll Ills Third Shut Shutout Shutout hnt hntout out out Out of Last Four Fo r Times In Box BoxThe DoxTh BoxTheThe Th Nap Nnpa np Have Their Batting BattingClothCH DnUlngClothe BaitingClothesClothe on and Pound Walsh alflh to toAll toAll toAllAll All Corners oi the Lot LotYESTERDAYS LotYESTERDA LotYESTEHOATSYESTERDAYS YESTERDA YS RESULTS RESULTSCleveland RESULTSClecJand RESULTSClevc1idCleveland 5 I Chicago Chlcf O 0 0Detroit ODetroit 0DetroitDetroit 4 St Joni lo l 3 3UoKton 3OI 3UohtonUoKton OI tOI1 G GJ New eV York Yor Yorl3 Yorl3York 3 3I 3SewI Sew York lj 1 Boaton D floitonO floitonOTODAYS lttu 0 0TODAYS OTODI1STODAYS GAMES GAMESBoston GAMESDoston GAMESBostonBoston at Washington WaMUlngtoiiTwe WashingtonPhiladelphia aHl1111toU aHl1111toUeTaeTa Twe 01 01PhUnt PBM PBMFhllatielnhiaPhiladelphia PhUnt eJvbla at New Tcir e York YorkSt YorkSt YorkStSt Louis at Detroit DetroitChlcntro Dctroit DctroitChlcnJto DetroitChicagoChicago at Cleveland ClevelandSTANDING ClevelandSTAyDOOFTllESTAyDOOFTllE OF TUB TEAMSW VLP L L Pet PrtDetnlt I IDalalLDetnlt Deantlt88 83 II II1bI41SIIIa M Mla r rSb1bI41SIIIa la fi 45 45fiilo JMSb fiilo lea it 43 S S1I M MCietelandCieteland 1I I8 g lt3Cleveland Aug 28 SCleeland Cleveland captured capturedthe cnpturedU18 capturedtirethe first of the crucial series with Chi Chii Chieftgo Chiengoi eago today by S to 0 Rhoades winning wlnnnghis winninghisI his third shutout In his last four times timesI timosIn timesInI in the box Walsh Wal h was pounded freely freelyScore freelySeore freelyScoeScore SeoreCIeTRd R RlXOIE RlXOIEVtekd II 0 E EdVtekd d It 93e5 3BnwIJer 3D S I 2 1 1 1T1I8n 1TumerT1I8n n 1 1 1 f fe 9 9LakeLake e Jb e 01349 01349BtssM 1 3 e enn BtssM IL 1241 1241IfiIf r 2 2 5 5 5UbiamUbiam d 1 2 2 1 9 9SwlE Swl it lb S 5 I 5 1 1tltbeed t p S 2 i e eIa 0 0TealsTeals Ia 5H2TH Slur 2I Totals ToIaIs0 0 421K 4241S0 4241S0Bettel 0 0Batted IBatted B Ued for Walsh ta soremh soremhCtewlaaa soritClmll48d soreathcledaaOCtewlaaa Clmll48d 8 1 0 1 0 0 21 x5 x5Ctafcaw xiaaO x4ChknmCtafcaw 8 9800000000 9800000000Bsrid 8000000 8 0 6 0 0 0 0 0Benlld Karaed pMWCfeTehuid L 4 Flat base br errors errorsCMeago error errorCJaIeqe errorschCMeago ch L 1 Left OB hnwCferciaBd ad 5 CWcc Qltl al alJJnt Y YKbst I IFirMi FirM base OB balteOff 0 ItlMMMiM 1 off at Walsh 1 1off 1oCj off Pbs L Strode witlly wtU lUMedes 3 by Walsh WIsIaI1 V Flew 1 Twobate T UtBerals Sacrifice bits WtaUeiDfe bttftaiI bitsIkeiteUeiDfe Jeoea J Stolon S nI b bHe1I1 Hh cbmat1 ehraaii Kboades KboadesBtrmioctMM UbaatlBIm Ithoedesmr2elecbenBtrmioctMM BalMvan Double lifersTurner to toUjafe tolajoie tolaUjafe la to Storal Dark to Robe to Donahue lilt br brpitcher brJl hrer1tpitcher daecD er1t By FV F e L 1 l InpireMr aj > kt Mr Connolly Time Timeof TImeof Timeofof E amel iae1 el hoar and 31 mimrte AttMMjsnccSSJ AttMMjsnccSSJNEW Atteedance5211itEW ttCBdIU1ce52INEWNEW YORK BREAKS EVEN EVENLose EVENLONe EVENLoNeLONe First Game to Boston on Er Errors Error ErrorsNener rors ror rorsNener Xcner Wins Win Second SecondNew SecondNew SecondNewNew York Aug 2S 28Poor Poor fielding In the thesixth theItxth thesixthsixth inning lost the first game for tho thoNew thoNew thoiewNew York Americana today toda In the sec second socond seeend ond game Nener a new lefthand pitcher pitcherlet pltcJterlet pitcherletlet the Ilubltes down with three hits and andshut andshut andshutshut them out Score ScoreFIIIST ScorePIItr ScoreFIltrFIIIST CAMEItastcn flos4 It ItHOAK ItHOAKBarrett H O A B BBarrettBarrett umt U U223S9 U223S9SeIhsn 2231 3 3saSultan cf I 1 1 I I1MB ICcle S SCosgakosCcle Cosgakos 1MB ko ill If 2 3 3U 3Undseb I IobU Undseb ob Ib lb1 1 2 8 8 8GrfMKbaw 0 0OribawGrfMKbaw 0 Ib lbS I I I IForte ft 2bl 1 131e 131eKpiht 312 312KmtAt 3 1 I IKaitlltKmtAt SfcLJe lb t talllfl I Iw I I I IWaetrWaetr alllfl M i 1 2 3 38M I IShsw8M Shsw w c I 5511 55114oneMOTflBO p I 1 3 3I 3YO I IPrcPrc I Paeest t I 15011 I I I IYO It D S It SOtTotata 5 3 52 52i S 15 5Totals SHW 5 lU 89Dathd 8 8flatted Iflatted tor MoejM R IB efektfe efektfetBatted tItItUltlWt aishiktIItndtBatted tlWt for rJ firD J arIe > arto IB Mfcub MfcubBeaton IIIIoMoR suLkIk4eBeaton 68081300 e 999013001S 999013001SivYk 1 3 0 0 1 1s 1sXft 5 5NowNow ivYk York Y 101001200S 101001200SLeft 0 1 2 0 01Left on bweeXew M York1 Yerk Yisek 1 6 IJce I Itaees 3 s Firsttwo om ballaOff 01 Orta Ora t off o Dorfe 1 eg Mer Mersaw ter terft Iergee >saw 1 1 HJte u4fr0ff Ortk Il Struck oiitBrOrtk OJ1k 3 by Morgan i br Town 2 1 Thr TkneMia TkneMiaskino ThrsekaabttsThoae efce efcehfUTlMMahfUTlMMa Uagfevb U Twobaae MtsWHttama MtsWHttamaBarrett kl alsWUMmsBarrett lUisms lUismsBarrettBarrett Sacrifice MteKeeler SnlHttn t2 9 Stolen Stolal11obm baaeHoOman slIoaMaB 11o RIA Morterty DorSc ptajrKeeler to toSo toIeaL iThoBta IeaL So Hit by pttcherIljr J bttBJ Ortfc 1 UrapJre Umpl UmpireMr UmpireMrOLos5ldhI Ir lrO jOLoughMn O Tin Ttw of fiaewS bows and 10 mInutes ratauesSECOND mlDutesSBCOND mInutesSECONDSECOND GAMEBoston RIIOAB RHOABBarrett RIIOABBantt RIIOABBsrsettBarrett K fSaDina S I fi f fSuiliTan ISullivan cf I 1 1Cfcegatoa 1rl 2 I I ICoehmirl Cfcegatoa rf nI 110 110Grteahaw 1 J I = S I IGrsuawGrteahaw lb IbI 1Mb 1MbFwrfa l U I IFerrisFerris F Th 1123 23 23Knight 3 3KDi I IKnightKnight lat 3b 3k I 0 16 16Wapeer 1 6 6Waaer I IWagnerWagner M YCmer I I 22 2 2 ICrftjer c 05121 I 12 1 2Krafc Krobp p 01121 01121Iareet 2 2Pamt 1 1lamttPamt lamtt1hG1IireT lISle lISleIleOvitit t tMcGwireMcGwire 1111 1 IShaw c c 51511 1 1lnt 11ndttlnt lrulttp p 11111 IDetroit B RIttAE RIttAEJoiwe3f H O A E EJOMSI1 IfJOMS J Joiwe3f If 01288 01298lie 1CaItldaIiR iHn lie 3k 8 1 2 0 0 0tori 0CraonLCr CraonL tori 6nl ef cf0 0 3 3 0 0Co1lb 0 0rfCo1lb Cobb rf rr e i 1288 1288Itman 2 2an 8 e eJtanJtan an lb lho I 1 1 3 I 0 0Doom 0p 0DowssTh22121Doom p DowssTh22121 DowssTh22121Schmidt 2b 22121 22121O1 2 2 1 2 1 1SeitmtdtSeitmtdt Schmidt Co c Q 011 11 I 0 0OLearyO1 0 OLeary > U7 ry s I as 81228 81228Doooran S 1 2 2 I IDODOTCSDoooran p p12 1 2 1 1 1Totals 11 11Teth 8 8TotatsTotals 4 127 92741 I 1W WLPct WLPctewYcrk L L Pet PetKewYork PetlKewYork l ewYcrk york 53 60 469 469Boston IUBoston G3 G3nostellI Boston 51 66 436 136St 436St 436StSt St lAnds 47 60 416 416Washington 416WabtngtmJ 416WashingtonWashington 32 77 231CWenpo CbkR R RHOtE RHOtEHelsirf H O A E EHalm EHIHalm Helsirf m tt 01000 01000JOMM 0 01000J 1 0 0 0 0lJOMM l mesd d 91100 91100DflMtae 01100Igeokue 1 1 0 0 0IJtIItIIaHDflMtae 1UO 111 0 IH e 91 1 00 00Dirt 0 011eeh 0 0n15Dirt as 00440 00440nowebertj 00440Doaubny 4 I IDnowebertj D If 0 0 1 J 0 0Ilofee 0Holle 0Itokeb01345Ilofee Itokeb01345 Itokeb01345TseakflI Sb 01341 01341TaMMhlfl 0 1 3 4 4TnrTaMMhlfl 3b I 0 1 t 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001Toteb II 12 12TtlktbToteb l 172791 72r9 127 9 1TotakISSt1 TotakISSt1Bsttel Totals 8 J2K 1 1BattedBatted for Crigser SB efehtfe efehtfetBatto elshthtisusdtBatto 1 for Kink SB fhjbtt fhjbttBoMoH btIaDoMo eI5h eI5hlieMinBoMoH 8800000888 8800000888Yok 110000090iNeYmk II 0 0 0 11 It ItNN NeYmk york 10000000 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 x1 x1Plot xIFiatPlot bate by croraBortOB L Left on bases tasesN 1IMes 1IMesN basesNwN Nw w Ycrt Yak S RoMoB 5 i Pint base isa on ballsOffNeiwr 2 off Pnvtt 2 2 Hits wadeOff KreJi 6 6oat GtIC 6eoat e Praitt 1 L Stnt Strat 4t cutBy Xtuer 6 by Kreh L 1Stoles b bueerie bee4OrISrIy berfeU to Mortem Criger to Knight to Ferris to toat1Wagaer at1 lilt by 1 pttefcerBy pltdter r KnA K 1 h > Passed ballcricer Crictr Uia UMp1tYr ireMr OLowgblta Time of same gtme gtmeIhwr1 Ihwr bwr and X ariaetca ate Attendance AUenda0ee5Im AUenda0ee5ImTIGERS Attendsnee6OO0TIGEItS 5000 5000TIGEESTIGERS MAINTAIN THE LEAD IEADBill LEADDIU LEADBillBill Donovan Was Yall Wild lint Bent BentSt D UctSt t tStSt Louis LouisDetroit LoubDetroit LouisDetroitDetroit Aug 2S S 22WIld Wild Bill Donovan Donovanproved Donovanproved Donovanprovedproved his right to the title both ways wa s to tojjay tojay toJayjay Jay first by forcing In two rune by bases baseson baseson basesonon balls and refusing to be derrlcked and andby andby andbyby pitching himself ittmselt out of holes notice noticethe noUcethe noticethethe nine strikeouts Bills batting was wasalso wasalso wasalsoalso the featura of that end of It it ScoreSt St SLLouls LonU RHOAE n 0 A EKites N0e5Sb 2b 2bHeapblri 01230 0 1 2 3 0Hepbfll Heapblri m cf 10200 1 0 2 0 0Stone S Stasie1f If IfPiekerins 22200 2 2 2 0 0Pickering rf 00000 0 0 0 0 0Wallace ss ssYeajfer 01120 0 1 1120 1 2 0Yeajfer Yeeer3bO 3b 3bStejriteiM 00130 0 0 1 130 3 0Stephens c Co 80200 8 0 2 0 0SpeBcer SreeeercO cer c cJones e 01300 0 1 1300 3 0 0Jones J lb 0 Oil 0 1 1ow11I lowell ow11 p 00020 0 00 0 0 2 0Hartzel 0 ooooo 00 0 0 0 0I Totals 3 5 52110 2J 10 1 1Batted 1B 1BtttalBatted B tttd for Powell in ninth inning inningDetroit innJngDetroit InningDetroitDetroit G2020000 G 02020000x4 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 5St 1St Leefe Leu > i 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 DJ DJEarnedEarned runs ruMDetroit Detroit 2 2 Left rdt on basesDetroit4 St St Louis Louls 7 First base on ball OOlltOtI Off Donovan6 off Powell L 1 Struck out outDy By Doaoran 9 byPflwell P well t 4 Threebase hit ItltStGne Stone Twobase hits hitsDcHOvan hits hitsD hitsDesoranDcHOvan D Wallace Spencer Sacrifice hitsCongh hitsConghMnMn Hn lInesman 1t 5lman T loots Stolen basesCobb Um Umptres UmJlir Urnr3tesJlir ptres r3tes Messrs rC56t3 Evans and Haist ll tM Time rf came Jame1 Jame1kour gameisousr 1 1boarboar sousr and 36 minutes Attendance Attendance3ttZ Attendance3ttZIndlanaN Attendance3125Indianas 3122 3122IndianasIndianas Great Pitcher PitcherFew PitcherFew PitcherFewFew men have had greater vicissitudes vicissitudesInIn their career than Amos Rusle the thebaseball thebuebt thebaseballbaseball l pitcher who was such uch a wonder wonderHe wonderHe wonderHeHe Is now a pearl hunter at Vinclnnea VinclnneaInd VlnclnnesInd VincinnesladInd When his famous pitching arm armwent armwent armwentwent back on him Ruaie was about broke brokeHe brokeHe brokeHeHe went to Vlnelnnes and there got work workIn workIn workinIn a planing mill for 0 a week and he heworked heworked heworkedworked hero for a long time Once the theVIncinnos thencinnes theVincinnesVIncinnos ncinnes team needed a pitcher badly badlyand badlyand badlyandand they called upon Rusle Rst who agreed agreedto 8gre 8greto agreodtoto do the best be could For three in innings hinlngs IIinings nings he seemed to have all his oldtime oldtimeform oldtimeConn oldtimeformform speed and curves tbat were wer a puz puzzle puzzle puzzie zle Then he weakened and was batted battedout battedout battedoutout of the box A medical examination examinationshowed examinationshowed examinationshowedshowed that tb t he would never be able ab to topitch topitch topitchpitch again There has formed a large largehard largehard largehardhard knot under his pitching arm and andthe andthe andthethe doctors can do nothing for him ItIs said that while as a pearl hunter he hehas b bhas hahashas found no large gems he still haa haamade h htjmade a amademade a better living than In tho planing planingmillInlll InlllMens 1nnIMens millMensMens Summer Toggery ToggeryAt T ggery ggeryAtAt Our Final Clearance Sale SaleIf Sale1IfIf you nsd n d highgrade furnishIngs and nd aj ajpreciate Ap Apprtciate appreriste >preciate setting them at real legitimate re nductions youll attend our sale and get them themnow themnow themnovnow nowTYSSOWSKI nowTYSSOVSKI novTYSSOWSKITYSSOWSKI BROS 72615th 126 15IhSLLW 15IhSLLWDit StMW StMWnut Sf IIW IIWl1itnut ilafecra lIal Aaracy vtcs Q Dr Jaeger J i Ludcrwev jndenr1NATIONAL LEAGUE LEAGUEYESTERDAYS LEAGUEYESTERDAYS I IYESTERDAYESTERDAYS YESTERDA 1S RESULTS RESULTSlttpImrK RESULTSpJUlmrg RESULTSPIttburglttpImrK 7 Phlliidclphin l I ItlJoHton 1DcHton IlJeston5tlJoHton lJeston5 u ii > Cincinnati 4 4f 4Chicago 4rf r > Chi Chicago en pro Oj 0 1 JlrooUlyn 4 4New 4Ncw 4NewNew York 8 8J St Lou LouTODAYS Loullll LoullllTODAYS Louis 2 2TODAYSTODAYS GAMES GAMESCincinnati GAltIESClnchmntl Gt31ESCincinnatiCincinnati at Boston BostonChicago DOHttUlOhlcno BostonChicagoChicago nt Brooklyn Brooklynff 4 rittcilinrff PJtb1n nt Philadelphia PhlladelnlilaSTANDING PhiladelphiaSTADINOSTANDING S1NI > I O OF THE TEAMSW WLPet U PetChjcara 86 6 31 TJ5 TJ5Xew 7e 1Xew e York W IT JW JWPitUbiKB 507 507littsthrgPitUbiKB x i f n 557 557Philadelphia 5S7lblladelpbla 557lhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 6S GO IM H 4W v L L Pet PetBrooklyn p PciBroekirn t I IDtueklrn I IModtMIAtiBrooklyn 51 63 fro 4C6CJodWMtti 4G6ClodnisatiCJodWMtti 49 G8 419 419KosUm 419lotD 419RoManRoMan 4Z 72 3GS 3GSSt 08 08St 68StSt Loafs 35 55 292CUBS TRIM DODGERS DODGERSTinker DODGERSh DODGERSThikerTinker h kerG Cots ts n Home R Run n with Man 3Ianon Manon Inn Innonon Bu Base DUMeN6 BaseNow e N NNewNew N6 York Aug tSTko The Cubs whaled wbnlodthE whaledtim whalodthbthE tim BrooUlyns Brookl ns again today for thejgood thejgoodreftson the thogoodrtaon good goodrreftson r uion that they batted harder Tinkers Tinkershomer Tlnkerah Tinkershomerhomer h mer In the third with one on base had a agood lLgood agoodgood good deal to do with the victory vietor ScoreChicago Chl go It RIIOABI H no O A E ESlagta EWSlagta cf 1128 1128fitfecSard 1211 1211SlcikatdfitfecSard W n1 ii If 2 2 i B 8 8Sclmlte 0 ISclmlte rf 2328 2328llojflnan 2 3 3Holinau 2 5 I Iliojinapllojflnan lb 8188 S 1 8 II I Ittitneldt 1te1nfeIdtSteinfeldt ttitneldt 3bO 3b 0 4 1 1l 2 2Tjnker 0 01nkerTjnker l 1nker nhr M 1 1 25 25Hrcra 2 251 251Lsers 5 5treDHrcra 2b 0031 0031Hardr 0 00310 00310Hardy 3 1 e eH1n1rHardy c 8 11311 11311Overa 1 9 1 1OrcrauOrcrau p 1 ill illTotals 1 1Tota15Totals 1i452 1H71t IUrooklfB K1IOAB K1IOABAHMtmaB R I1IJOAIIAlperalalt II 0 A B BAAHMtmaB A 2b 2b 8 2 2161 21611l1 1 6 1 1nwtawi 1fleffluallnwtawi HYMl M Moo 18250 18250LoBley 1 10 2 5 0 0rfl 0LtiaiLiLoBley rf rfl 1 2 23 3 5 eo eoc 0 073bc esey3b 73b 3b 1 11000 11000Tokn 1880 1880Malwtf 1 II It 0 0JonJallJonJall IlL 5 115 2 15 0 0 0laIo 03lsloneyMalwtf laIo ef ef00 00388 00388Burcfc G 0 3 300 300ItweLk t tDBurcfc D rdI If f f 1 11010 11010BMgeac 1010 1010Bwsea 1 0 1 0 0IQeaBwsea BMgeac IQea c e 01318 01318IkU 01310Retch 1 3 1 1AIkU A Retch IteO p 8 8848 8848lUttertV 0040RktsrtlUttertV Rlttuf 88809 e 0 tt Totato Tit 4 4227171 4227171Batted 92717 Ji 1T 1 1Batted 1DlttedBatted forBwsea tKo BWgas IB nInth flfitted for Bell Bell1st BellIn Boili1st i ninth nlatbCbloago n11th n11thCbleago ninthChisagoCbloago 2 038100005 2030100006Brooklyn 038100005Brooklrn 0 1 0 0 0 G GDrookhnBrooklyn 2 801000811 801000811Left 1 Ol0000l4Left 1 0 0 0 8 11 11tftLeft as basasBiocUyn l MftB lyn IS CUtoW C 7 Fiat base baseoa baon baseonon bolteOff Belt 2 off OmnN II So StrocSc ovtIty ovtItyOrorall 0IIt outByOretall HI HIOflRlIOrorall 7 Homo n rwTtaftw r l1aIIIr THVBIM lW hits kttvLiimky JdtP JdtPLumle hitsLiunler >Liimky t S I Sbeclwrd kft Or Overall ralt Saertiee hIt HttSelnilte hItSe1mlte bitSelsulteSelnilte Stoten b IIMNC betasCasey CiMey Melosey > Iak aloM7 ey tt S Stein Stainfeldt Steinfeldt SteinIdOLfeldt Double IIaJAJ plaj ayAlpeossan AJrtB an to 0 Huarart to Bar Barcan 1Jergen 1imSencan Hit br b pHeberlty plt OmrJt OTtiIrJIt fl 7 3Ifousre > U UIB ln3ews t > lr9a lr9aMeusMeus ODay and Ktea Tim Timt u o ogalMI came geme1 I how howand IMMIrnnd beesandand CD minutes Attendance AUeDdaDCPUPIRATES AUeDdaDCPU Attndanee2lPIRATES 2 tt ttPIRATESPIRATES DOWN TEE PHILLIES PHILLIESClarke PHILLIESClarkeClarke Gets Gct In Hair nnd Glcnnoii In InSnitpended bSUNptotled IsSuspLu ISnitpended SnitpendedPhlUidelphJai SUNptotledPhlladelpbIa SuspLu d eul eulPliiisdeipbiaPhlUidelphJai Aug 21 Plttaburg de defeated de deCoated Coated Philadelphia today Clarke had hadworda badwords hadwords Iwords with a spectator s tator In left field and andafter andafterafter an exchange of words word Clarke wa wahit WRa WRahll wuhit Ihit hard with 1th a cushion u hlon He became in infuriated Infutlnted infutlated furiated and was put oat of the game gameKid gamfId gameKidKid Id Gleason who had a dispute with the thoumpires theumpIres th thmpresumpires mpres about a ball that had been bwnthrown beentbrown I Ithrownthrown from the stand received an in indefinite Indefinite Indefinite definite suspension today from President Presidenti PresidentPulliam PreeldeniPulihimi Pulliam ScorePHUbws lltt R RHOAE RHOAEAiudeteoe H O A B BAndersonAnderson rf rfl 1 8 3 SLeaeII 8 8 8Clarke ILesdLeaeII Lesd 2 3 3Clark 3221 IClarke Cluurkeg X 1 11311 11311Halbean 1 3 3Wagner 3nlnl Halbean w I I 1 1WaJll 5 SWagner Vi1iei AbateWq Abat tlteiu4o 2b a1 1 1COtk 2 8 2 8Storke COtk lb 8 311 311lla 2 2e 0 0Sheehan ISheehan lla 1 I 4 4t 45 45GuisesGuises t e 8 1418 1418WHfla 1 J 1WHfla Wfllll p 8 8288 8288Totals I 2 I Ii IiTetah jTotals oals f T MIT t It 8 IFMfe P10 RHOAB RHOABcf nUOHdJ1 RHOAII RHOAIRashcf dJ1 J3 8 3 3RMIIe 8 IRash Jfc I Iii 1 S 4 4TitDa 8 8Ttaa I ITtaa Tttuarf rf 811 81111 8111131s 1 1 1 I IMaaw f1IAfMMaaw 31s 1e8 8 8 4 8 8Courtney I ICorntheyCourtney Ik IkI 8 2 6 I 1 1GrantGrant GrantDoota i IDoota as 8 1 1201 p= t i ilJrwaDootB e 8 l113 1 1 3 2 2Urovm 1 1ikowaUrovm p p 8 8Totalc liii 1 1 1Tetall I ITslak17l1Totalc Tslak17l1 l 7SU 7 Ji 11 54 1 e i iPltitllleillhPhftoftdpbM 1 1Barned 111511010 111511010flamed e I IDarnedDarned nuMPMtakawc 11IRt1 2 PbimUjiMii 1 Pint Pintbue PIMthue Fitsbasehue by enowPktiwi tnOnlk eiL 4 4 Left 1M M enburg bmeaslttti bmeasltttibBrg 1 1llburg ll n 11 PWtodelW P1WeliI 5 1 Hrat bet Iw IIue eu euBmwa n WlfcOS WlfcOSBrows ialaOrowaBrows rowa i 6 Stench outHy WOHs 4 by Brcwm 1 ITQo I ITwabasej Tm TQo Twabase baK WtTKa 1dtTM Leach IMDooIL Statm ba beueetaeg CoBtUey CoBtUeyii Poole Doabte pkp p pInysDoellu nD oeIIa a to K KMite be to 9 CoortwyKM Iba to Ceortaey Um PisplrcSfema pereeMoHn Carpestrc Carpestrcnwl nwl ad Itf Ittler IIIgI or orCARDINALS Tine or 1IMe euas keen At4euse Ut1I1II Ut1I1IIfoULfoUL 4415foULCARDINALSCARDINALS PROVE EASY EASYStSt Louis Lonf Unable to Make nke It Inter Intcrentln InlereHtlnJ Intereatingentln eating for Giants GlnntHNe GlnntNQ GiantsNofNe Nof i York Aug 2fThe CardInals did didnot dft1not di1 I Inotnot even make it interesting Intt Ug for the th New NewYorks Ne NeYorks Ncr NcrYorksYorks today Beebe n being an e easy 8 > mark markwhile markwbllo markwhilowhile the visitors could not hit AIcGin AIcGinnity McGinnity NeGinnitynity with men on bases It was a tea teat feAturoloss fentitrelesst turoloss rele s game ScoreSt Lonhr RHOAB RHOABByrne R RHOABI n 0 BByrne 3 1 8 1 1Harry 1Hurt IHarry rf 8 3 3K 3151 8 8 8KoBetcayKoBetcay K lbS lb lbGltlr 8 7 2 8 8Wetter IWelterWetter Gltlr ef 8 1 2 I IHeilirua 8Hottjr Heilirua oH1 a Ill 1 1113 1113Muorrey 1 1 3 3htl1llr 8 8llBrwiy IllBrwiy If lfI 8 1 2 1 1H 8 8H IIH Hdletctter tciter Vo VoNoaeaa lbS 2 1 21 21No55 1 1NNoaeaa N c cBwke e I 1 4 2 II IBwke lkebep p 8 55110 55110L 8 1 1L 1115 1115Totals 1 i iTotalsTotals 2113411 ii ii 2 1 1I INV NC1I NevYosir r York RHOAB RHOABif R RHOt 11 0 B BItSheenea if 1 1 1 1Jl 0 SSIrsagV ftUmog If 88180 091 t 1 0Brown rf 22888DfrHn D IIA lb 1 1511 f 1 1 1Cf I Isuat8r suat Cf 3 I 2 8 1 1CwttaJ c331 S ISCwtta e 48 8188 1 1n VMoOae MeOsa n Ib1 1 3 1 11 1DakkB D lra sa8 511 8121 1 IHarwXae M 8 8 1 2 8 5Doyle It 88328 113 3 eMfOfcrolty 1ItG IcOMssI JL p J II Totals 3117 H 3 3Batted 3flattedBatted for Beebo ttbo IB 111St Sulk MMkI SulkStLesukI fit StLesuk Ixmfa 8808188102 j 1 1 O ON 2 2ewYeftJNowYerfc N ewYeft Yerk 3 35111210x 8 8 1 1 2 1 0 x8 x8j x8Fint 5 5Firstj Pint base br 1 r errorJfew emmt ertetrew ew Y York k 1 L Left oa bs bsXcrf bases basesev t6 t6ewXcrf ew York M St Lowte LoI 7 PInt bate OB enOff bmlte bmlteOff t8 t8OffOff Beebe 7 Strack Stuii rotBy MeOiBBftr r 1 1Iktbe by 1 1PealeBecbe 4 Threebate ntlfeoba hkBr ldt bitBunwee IOIfW Browns Seymour Hon Holly SWat basestDerHa DnUa Sey Seymew Sqmew Sd Sdmeetmew 2 IfcOanB 3cOa Doable pkyaDableB to toCases 31c 31cGaiw 310GmRCases HamrtfaR aDRlla to McOawj HoUr to HoMctter HoMctterHeotetter 1I01 llostettesIlestetter tt tt1I111tetter ff Ewing 2 Struck Stro ootBr outI oat By I IFfeitrerFfelffer 2 by Coakley lak 1 Home runGanzel Two Twobaso Twooos Tw 0 0basebase hltKniger hf Knger Sacrifioe hitsKane Huggins Lo Lobcrt Lebert L 0 0bertbert bert Coakley C kler Bridweil t 2 handeL Double playa playaBridwcil plaraBridnll pLa F FBddwellBridwcil to Ritd Ritdr j to Tenser JIoivTBy to Hogging Hoggingto n nto Huggli sue suetoto Ganzel Jftwrrey to Huggim Hu to Camel to Alo AloLean to tolean i iLeanLean lean Umpire Umptre1Ir Mr Jobostoae Time T Dle of came game2 game2h gmubows 2 2LouisLouis h UIS and 6 mInutes Attendance AUen4ADOe2MS AUen4ADOe2MSMINOR Attendausce2IiSS Attendausce2IiSMINOR 2813 2813MINORSMINOR LEAGUES LEAGUESAMERICAN LEAGUESA31ERICAN LEAGUESA3IERICANAMERICAN ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATIONAtAt IndfemapoliftIadfenapoHs 11ldk31 > llalndiaoopoHs 7 Toledo ToledoAt 6 6At 6 6AtAt MinncaroUsSU Paul 8 Minneapolis 2 2At 2 2At 2AtAt 3iihwnjkee5Iilwaitkee lflwaukee mallkee 4 Kansas City L LSOUTHERN 1SOUTHERN LSOUTHERNSOUTHERN LEAGUE LEAGUEAtAt MemphisMontgomery Iemlhil rontgomerr 1 Memphis hlsO hlsOAt > 0 0At 0AtAt ShrereportrShreTeport 4 Atlanta 1 1At 3At 3 3AtAt Little Rock RodeLittle Little Reck 3 Birmingham 2 2At 2 2At 2AtAt New ew OrleansFirat game New Orleans 5 5Xasorule 5NohrlUe 5yachT1ueXasorule 3 3 Second game New Orleans Or1ca 0 Nash Nashville ash ashrme asijrUle rUle 0 0 Galled in the sixth darkness darknessWESTERN d rkneSESTERN darknessWESTERNWESTERN LEAGUE LEAGUEAtAt OmftbaOnuiba 5 Liacoln LiD oln At Des D SleintsDes Moines Uob 14 Sioux City 10 10EASTERN 10ASTERN 10EASTERNEASTERN LEAGUE LEAGUEAtAt TorontoFirst game gaiseNmrk Newark 2 Toronto TorontoSccxsnd 4 4Second T TSecondSecond game Toronto T to 6 Newark S1t 1uk 4 4At 4 4At 4AtAt RochesterRochester 13 Jersey JIIS r City 6 6At 6 6At 6AtAt MontrealBaltimore 3 Montreal 4 4At 4 4At 2 2AtAt BuffaloFirst game Providence LTOTId OCO 4 Buffalo L LSecond LSecond 1 1SecondSecond game pmeProrldence Providence 4 Buffalo 9 9TRISTATE 9 9TIllSTATE 9TnTSTATETRISTATE LEAGUE LEAGUEAtAt Wilmington WilmlngtonW WilmlngtonWflmthgton Wflmlngton mlngton 4 Harrisburg Barrlsburg3 Barrlsburg3At 3 3At 3AtAt Lancaster Lancasferfancaster Lancaster 4 Altoooa 1 1At 1At 3AtAt Trentan TrentonFtst First game JohmtflTvn 3 Trenton Trentoni TrentoniSecond i iSecond l lSecondSecond game JCl Jofcnstown nstomt 2 Trenton 5 5At 5 5At 5AtAt Reading IteadlngFirst First game Reading 2 HarrISburg HarrlsburgLL SceorM game Reading 1 HarristmiE llarmbuJJli 2 2NEW 2NEWNEW li W ENGLAND LEAGUE LEAGUEAt LEAGUEWo LEAGUEAtAt WorcesterrFirst Wo t First game New ew Bedford Dtdtrd 6 War Worcester WDrce3ter Warrester cester 0 0 Second game Werearter W6i otter ford 0 0At 0Jt 0AtAt BroclrtQa DrocktQl1FJrst First game Lawrence LaTen 1II Brockton Brocktont9 t Second game Lawrence 3 Brockton 2 2At 2 2At 2AtAt LynnFall River 3 Lynn 0 0At 0 0At 0AtAt HaverijOlHaTcrbill 3 Lowell 0 0CONNECTICUT OCOlNECTICUT 0CONNECTICUTCONNECTICUT LEAGUE LEAGUEAt LEAGUE LEAGUEAtAt SpringfieldNorwich SprfnifieldXorwfcb 5 Springfield Spflngflcld 1 1At C4t 4 4AtAt Hartford HarUordHartfcrd Hartford 7 New ew Haven II rm 3 3At 3 3t 3AtAt t HolyoieHolyoke 5 Waterbury 4 fBEAUGOUP IN Ii DRIVE DRIYETakes DIlIVETakeTakes Take Adirondack Handicap Handicapat Ha1Jli a aat >at Saratoga SaratogaSTBLEMATE SalatogaSSTBLEMATE S FINISHES SECOND SECONDConplcd SEGONDCOJlpJeCoupled In the Betting Dcttl11 at 8 to toThey C CTheyThey Won V n the DaDa of the 5OOO 5OOOPnrse OOO OOOPnrsePnrse in the Main Event of the theDny theDaDefentDny DaDefent Defcnt of Charles Edward EdwardGame EclnardGaDleGame an a Surprise SurpriseSaratoga Surpri c 7 7SarntogaAugSaratoga SarntogaAug Aug 28 2R R T Wilson wnH n jrs JfsBenuooup jrsBenuooup JrsBeauooupBenuooup and Faloada Couplod coupled favor favorites tsvortas ites ites tas at S to 5 won tho bulk o Ot the fOOD I5WOpurse fOODpursopurse in the Adirondack Handicap f dlcap for fortwoyearolda fortWOyearoldBtwoyearolda 6 furlongs here today todayBeauoeup todayBeauaoupBeauoeup set a hot pace followed follo d by byJohn byJohn byJohnJohn Sanfords Fultonville backed from8 to 4 but the former tired near the end endand endnndand won only In a a fierce fier cuda end a by a head who got up in time to tobeat tobeat tobeatbeat FultonvHle a neck Weftvereet well wellplayed wellptnyed wellplayedplayed was badly beaten The timewas timewas1J14 tlmtL was114 1J14JThe114The JThe The T biggest surprise sUfprlse of the day was the thedefeat thod8cfdefeat d8cf t of Charles Edward who was fa favorite favorite vorite in the handicap at a mile He was wasleading wasledlngleading at tho halfmile pOle but after afterthat afterthat afterthatthat he sulked and in spite wit of all that thatKnapp thatKnappKnapp ooud oou d do he ran absolutely last lastJohn lastJohn lastJohnJohn Sapdfords Kennyetto Kenn etto 13 to i mean meanwhile melmwblle while went to the front when Charles CharlesEdward CharleaEdwnrdEdward quit and won in hard drive by a ahalf ahall ahalfhalf a length from Tourenne backed backedfrom baekedfromfrom frent6to9tot 6 to 9 to 1 1The 1TiltThe SumximrleM SumximrleMFIRST SununarleHPlIt5TFIRST IlACBiWnwR c purse tJX 8W aAJed for fort fareIdJ fartwoyutre1ukt twoyutre1uk of ar reIdJ Ut ttMra Bare base aot wen at this UdItI meet BMeVfafa tI s ate Ie a sod d II half f fetloap jama J aem n Bnay ra raUUU Mi MiMMMM IlMisul e to i i woe Apple 0 Today Kfi UISmd Hogg I1em1t18 to 1 1 MBosd HasgidiK 182 DwranK DIn 1 to sotIibd 1 1tUM 1 1ttUM t T TIne ne 1 Rude Berry Maid Mai Kerry Und Undtec LadIa LaMhughug Ia Blue Heron The TV Ttdc and AdrtaB site ram ramSECOND Ill IllSBCOND muSECOyDSECOND KACESteeplecbwe b B4 oap pone poneJ9 arm0B008 J9 0B added for fowrearoW awrr aad up Garrett G rett 1C 1COlttebeM 1 11I1 142IMitebeitOlttebeM 1I1 eII i to 1 2 MM ee Rocket 188 A Arehrbald U4 to 5 tee saoiual Burnett J JJI WSaoa W 30 to I Ithird 1 1ddnJ 1thisithird Tam 5S 5 Kernel ate theTlllRD nra nraTHIRD raTHIRDTHIRD UACB6eWns n ZLtCSe3Ie parse 603 00 added for fortat torUltMHkk fortWeearo4dUltMHkk tat rearoW and ad tip six furiongB ilIIo Security lit 118P litCPNul illIFlasCPNul P BB 3 to 0 1 WOB Lotax 188 CK seooBd Ator DOr Ill Miller 18 to 1 UtM UtMTlae uw1imc thb4ThusThus 1J2 44 BotaBftM o IIIIIK Society lied I aad low TWBear loweqr Tiesseerseer ear aim ran ranFOURTH raaPOUItTH ranFOURTHFOURTH RACTU Adirondack HawHcap HawHcappw I1a11111eapPlHH Ilsaulkoppursepurse pw SUMO for twoytafoldf six fBrionga f oegs Beoa BeoaCOB Bessrauiprauip COB IN DvsaB lDuu 6 to i ww ifkksda lfa lfamaRdl 184 184Handy 4 4IIsuudyHandy 6 to 5 5 Mcoad Fultowflle 184 CG Uaraer8 to L 1 tbtod Tim 114 Ware Great IlayiBoad IlayiBoadPlWril It Ituti Itarmoedandand ReSort l looper sloe WI WIFIPTII ranFIFTHFIFTH KACBHMdtoa ne u pane H09 added for fortbrej lortlweJftNIIdI SoctiweeespddstlweJftNIIdI tbrej roMi aM BB ass aafle ua KeBBjctto K 114 114OlMw InOIt liitllIkrOlMw OIt er 11 to 5 5 Well TniiriBBi J7 lloraer6 to 1 1 sccoBd ZteBBB Z 87 Dnajui S to L ddnL ddnLTime IIdnLn tbisdTImeTime n 138 1 SUBdorer LyBdtaat and charlie Bd BdI JWSIXTH ISOjI ward j abe ran ranSIXTH raeSIXTHSIXTH KACKFane JflW added for asides wmldeathreeyeaivolda Ma1deatIn8eIIHIdI asidestkreethreeyeaivolda tkree MIl cp eoe aBa Xootta JtodaSa K6 K6Sandy 0 0SedySandy Sa li to 0 n woe Howard ll nr4 Shean SMu 181 til tiller Mil MUhi Milhrthrt ler 2 to 1 L Mcoad hoe I ud XM X Yeadbe H Gamer Gamerto 6IrMc1to namerSS to 5 5 iWrd Ttae 1 141l 1t fiatrabtfl kh allldle allldleI Poespuus I Ludtaz Girt and C Cecil she 1 1EMPIRE mu muEMPIREEMPIRE CITY RESULTS EESULTSFIRST RESULTSFIRST RESULTSFIRSTFIRST RACEPnne W 919 added far fartuejwNxjWa we wet asidestweyeseoItuejwNxjWa t aM M and oaebeJf farioog f fJII Cyathal Cyathal1M1M iPrcaMoi iPruaes o J to 1 5 5 wo Xlapott M7 Herty19 to 1 second IDII Infrahaw itt Dfesfaat 19 tt 1 1thM 1tb 1thudthud n TM IJT 1 11 14 New Garter Bobble Aloud AroaadSwerata AresadsseraksSwerata sseraks and CoBatenl also IOSKCOXD nut nutSBCOXD innscocnSBCOXD RACEParse 9C09 1 added ddfd ddfdaad tpr UB UByearoM Ike Ikeyes1e4doyearoM and upward rxmwfamen of OOJ OOJa 6Q3 9 fa hoshsuit JMf JMfaboutabout a six fnrknam furluai AVeodwitch IK 1 wvat AteacB ecu Ill Hartyi 4 to 1 1 sensed Lee LeeHarrfcoa 1MUantNa LasUsryisumHarrfcoa II ffcaMtr 5 to 1 1 URaL Thee Ttaelit Theeialit 1 3S I Seats Dppte 1 GoM Ida Reek BeMeao BeMeaoJ fleldeuaoJnwuieJ Jnwuie ie mie Welk Wells Inc BruIse BntUII Becatdale PenrhyaLady Carol nj Daaaa Bh1ra Ertira Ow Own OWB awl Panels BemrteIlfg B8MIIeItf1 PanelsItegIlfg she aileTUUm ran ranTHIKD ranThIRDThIRD RACESeHtag line 811 899 5 added for lortqlar fortanysarobistwoyearoWs tqlar nomrtnors aiIwe tore A tageet east 3 taDd em cii mile mileaed sill sillaMaDd W 181 yards BlisS WaIL W U tltwgnr4 > tw MMl Jt t o 1 1 ww ww1oyi VIMJAT wonJayuieseJAT Jayuiese 1 1Jttacrt 5 to L 1 sune4 La Vilia ViliaPk eit eitS1oyi Pk i 8 to S 50 thIrd TtaK 111M lit 1 114 14 Master 34uterLeater JduteLe MasterLeulOrLeater eir Benynaa Lady Vera and Panky aW ma maFOUltTH nul sanIOLIITIIFOUltTH RACETbe Matoxne Handicap f t tadded 999 999addedadded for oc tbwrtarokb dllftJNf and upward owe md see eoesbteenth HeHnemtll seesixtassuthsbteenth M mile M Carthage crtI I Ill Mw IIaft r T ft to o 5 5mm 5 5waa 5Urnmm LHlte Urn Tamer MB fu I Lee 5 to 1 eeeoad Bd Bdwin Rdwin lidwinwin Gaaa 0 M7 tMcsria Herri S to 1 third Ttee TIIH Irft IrftLady 1 1La 144LadyLady La Sara SaTOJ Granada Gra aad LJefatwral U htwool alto ran ranFIFTH nLFIFTH insFIFTHFIFTH RACEPtrree I CJltmit 1909 added for twoyear twoyearMa t twoasrolda JWa Ma noQwimwn atooe Auanat A 3 about itx fur furteHBa farc fmbeusteHBa C W Bart IN lfti Lee 3 to S s wo wa Ark Arktotle AJiItode Avistottotle tot M9 3 Morris J to 1 2 second SUrer Cftp up 36 36OttOft 12 to 1 1 third Ttee 119 1 3i 35 Lmw JII ItcH Rcaderer ItcHrer 4 4cystcyst rer nrfpboefe Raima G and Bkaober akw ran ranSIXTH J JSIXTH ranLIXTUSIXTH lUCESeBtag J RACESeftk CESellktc pw rums e SUIt added for fortbmyearolck fotADd fortbneyanroItbmyearolck and opirard one as and a three tJareeuftD threeSxsseethrapes icteeMthc I IndIaI j jraOesrapes Ktojr of ike lb Valley Va Valk M2 1 Miwgraw S to toBra 2 2wan 2wonwan Bra Branca M9 LieberO 4 to 1 L teeeari Palette FafetleS5 Paltt PalttOUS5 OU OttL S te 1 altO Ttaw TiIH Ties S 336 34 H WeototMW WeototMWaim W Waile WeiuIetonealsoaim ranFOETEEIE FORT ERIE RESuLTS EESULTSFIRST RESuLTSFInSr RESULTSP111thFIRST FInSr RACBFIr and nd oneMf fwteacs few fewyearokb tqJaNlldl tueytaroldiyearokb KlHmr aelUn Betrhehed MO McCarthy 8 to toi SS isIi S won on Padrone p M9 iPowen 5 toT to 1 second Lat Lattice lAttice LetIke tice XO Gawprf Ga 8 to 5 50 third Thai UK 1 1i J4 C CH C CH CHH SehilHng Sdsll4n Bajoo Lark Lark LMcrkw Lilt Orfeadot and andDona aMDCIII andDouseDona H also run runSBCOVD rMLSHCOND meSECONDSECOND RACEFIT terteag twoycor tW twoycareki twoycarekimaiden JCIUoIIJ JCIUoIIJ1MkIeM U UiMidemmaiden pwne Camille M K Olhider U der 2 to L Lwon 1Linda 1 1suewon Linda Lake MS 1 Ii Martin J to 1 ec reseedSeiroir ad adSoiree I ISaiIWSoiree MS OIcOirthT 9 to 1 1 third Thaw TI 1 lii 14 14Avtotoc 11AatoiDc 14AntoIneAntoIne Kiwfs Sob Sen Mia 1 MpfiaBt Vt let PIt 1 ASMS ASMSFord AgassFord pMFord AttfpWora Anus A lUiywWi and litahea If sits afeeram aileJaL sitsranram ramTHIRDTHIRD RACEOtK RCB Df mil ml for timej t rIeAr threeyeareMs Kr Ms and andupward UIIlIttrd andsisrasiupward laces ToMes Ii Btqrlafldcr 7 to tumIft 2 2TPon 2venTPon HartiBR Wtbert M 1 i McCarthy era third Tine 13834 13834Onr 138 K KODGOnr three starters stertenFOURTH sWierPOURTII startersFOURThFOURTH RACKF r UtnerwiroMs sad Hfm apeand apeandlame rd rdpurse nllII1Mpurse sores furlongs Exerteaeat Mi Morelandj Morehad4 to 1 TTOO Meddlesome Per 91 McCarthy stan ereesecond eTeIIeOO stansecondsecond Gargaotw MS laud 3 to L 1 third thirdTim tilinLTfm thIrdThneTim Thne 137 1 27 44 Matador Western aDd Little LitUeLighter LittleLI1ttt UtileLighterLighter also ran ranFIFTH ranFIFTH sanFIFTHFIFTH RACESeHtog for fouryear fesiryeida4 Jdsaad olds aad up upward up upward p pwardward six Ix furlongs Edgeir 192 m RHey e 2 to 1 1tron 1UCm 1wonwon Hunted lllMted M It E Eaglamier 3 to 1 second Re Redondo Redondo RedeModondo MS Kara 7 to t 2 third Time Ill 34 34Lizzie ULlule 35LizzieLizzie McLean Frank CoirhM RcactfoB IttaeUfa 1tescU Deawrer DeawrerRoyal DetHmrB031 DesiurrerRoyalRoyal Les Legend nd and PeatagoH Petlta also nnj ran ranSIXTHSIXTH RACEaOne ward srfHng Bye re Bye II 95 Driahr D Del 4 to S Swon 5 5nn 5Lightwon Light Note ote 99 Moreteod 3 to L 1 secasd secasdDenigrc HCIMIIIlDrnlgre seosudDenigreDenigrc 91 1 MartIn 4 to 1 third Time Ti te iriS IrtSGracchus 1MGracchus iriSRebounderGracchus Rebounder Alta It McDonald Geld Spray Sprayand Sprarand Sprayandand Retoa Swift also o ran ranDISTEICT ranDISTRICT sinDISTRICTDISTRICT LEAGUE IEAGUEASHCRKOD LEAGUEASIIIIIROrfl LEAGUEAssessorsASHCRKOD nnd Surface in Wrangle WrangleOver WrangleOTer WrangleOverOver Eligibility of Players FlayersSTANDING P1nyertSTAD1O PlayersSTANDINGSTANDING OF TIlE TEAMS TBc1 SW L L I Pet PetWater P PetWatorWater 7 1 sa saS1Irface 575Sssrface S SSurfaceSurface 7 2 778 mElettrlcal 778EIeical i iRleatrical IRleatrical 1 3 J71 J71Property ii1Pr 571 571PrepertyProperty p 4 4 SCO 501 0 IW L I PeLSjnrcycrs 2 3 400 40Collectors 2 7 222 h 1Assessors AI S68rs 0 6 000IThere There was much wrangling and fussing fussingover fussingoorthe fussingoverover oorthe the game scheduled yesterday be betweon be betW betwoontweon tW on Surface and the Assessors AssessorsMr AssessorsMr AssessorsMrMr Pratt P tt manager of the Assessor Assessorteam Assessortoom Assessorteamteam had had nine nln men on the field who whowere whowere whowerewere eligible to play In the league but butwere butwere butwerewere not regular members of the As Assessor AsS Assessor sessor S ssor team Manager Robertson of the theSurface theSurface theSurfaceSurface nine claimed with much rnu h em emphasis omphasls emphsis phasis that since the Assessors did not nothave nothave nothavehave a team of regulars the game was wasforfeited wasforfeited wasforfeitedforfeited to his nine and he refused to tolet tolet toletlet his mon play Manager Pratt on the theOther thethor theetherOther thor side averred with just as much muchemphasis muchomphasls muchemphasisemphasis that his was an eligible ag aggregation aggrQgatlon aggrogation gregation and the game was therefore thereforeforfeited thereforerfcltcd thereforeforfeitedforfeited rfcltcd to his bravo warriors warrIOrS And Andthui Andth Andththui th the matter stands It will probably probablyjj be b cleared up by a meeting of the board boardin boardIn boardInin the the near future futureHngrerstOTrn futurelIagcrstoTrn futureIlagerstowuHngrerstOTrn 14 Mnrtinsburgr Mart Uartln insburg bnrg 4 4Bpcdal 1 1Special 1SpecialSpecial to The Washington Donald HcnddHagerstown IIcrn1dHncerstown DonaldHagerstownHagerstown Md Aug 2SJtHagerstown 2SJtHagerstowneasily 2SJHngerstownonslly 22lHagerstowneasilyeasily defeated Martlnaburg at Athletic AthleticPark AthleticPark th1etfcParkPark this afternoon 13 to 4 PHHan was washit washit washithit hard and was given ragged ragg dsupport support supportSentz supportSentzSentz 5 ntz Hagerstowns Hagerstawnsstnr star center fielder fielderreached fiolderre fielderreachedreached re ched first every time he Went to the thebat thebtit thebatbat and scored five fi times with a record recordof record recordof recordofof sixteen bases Qas s to1Is to his credit crooltScore crooltScoreRHE Score ScoreRHE ScoreJLBERHE RHEMartinsburg RHEtllrt JLBEMantinsburgMartinsburg tllrt nsburg J 3 000100004 000 0 0 0 1 1 0 O 0 G 0 4 3 1 4 4IMgtretjwn fillltntItD I IHlgrjtpenIMgtretjwn A 3032010 3 0 3 2 01 0 1 0 sW 13 11 2 2BatteriesPillion 2tterlC5Pllllin 1 1flatteicPffl1anBatteriesPillion tterlC5Pllllin and Notjs o s Fanwell and Peas Peaster Peaster FatstesI IIfterIf you Jiave any furnished furnished rooms to tojrent toJrent totrentjrent a want ad in The Herald will brine brin brinou brIneouhrou ou a good tenantRACING CARDS FOR FORTODAY FORTODAYUulted TODAY TODAYUnited T0DAYUnitedUnited Hunts lI nt of Maryland MarylandFIRSr Marl4ndFIRSt Maryland MarylandFIBSFIRSt FIBS RACE IlACRIIb Hacks and httntewr buntere fooryrarolds tooraroJdsand founearoldsndsupeirdand a ndsupeird wplfanlTarpon T aspous r I Isieh 150 150styJ Je sieh siehyJ3ly sty St Sty Stlt y ciiBof iDa BO BONotre 1300teNotre y otre K KaIp 4p ISOlt inIl aig W Wmtt 383 383iolseSSoIese N IlN iolse 1131 Wi Wilicflloto 101esulalalicflloto Il esulala 122 122flay 1 11111I11I 151jsyflay I jsy Market 1a et 187 187iVvara 1itnamID iVvara Imm D nam 1nial lf11 100 103esiderationD lderAUoft lGi 10H Hattie tti8 Dar 1Uncle Al AlHeiri 150 150Ueiri 150heMheM HeiriKecralt SO SOntcnd 150hoesnitKecralt 150S1ICM IIACB ltACEThreeearolds Threeyear lttJ And upwan1 one ODSesIe Hu esMamavmoo 3fa 3 3h snnsuFrnoo t IK 1Mew 108ew3T Siwlbu h ew leer II 107 107aranes jT Tarams aranes i 100SMHISfcaUr swm Sh ShD ut SIiaUr 18 1er liiaIryShM Dairy D aIry 5UB akl iwM ke Morrow 105Veiled dled Ladr Ladr8tJtDdthriftSpendthrift Hd Helm n Ito ItoTom 100Tem 103TernTom Lawson 307 307How JaHow 107HowHow About You 187 187Jack 111Jack 117JackJack McKwn 107 107Kadlte 101naci1f4 107BadilfaKadlte 100THIRD UCBIlHniers steeplechase tceplecba I foistyear foistyearkis uryear uryearoMss oMs kis and upward about tworoll two mllllTazvon T arpon 14 1121 1121sardhin ijwardlan sardhinsrsenton 16i IWarwnton W srsenton ICO ITe11Cam TelifamYereisil 1mYeremi 15F FOURTH l l rn RC11 Ail tees fire furwRgs urJet aeaesne K6 K6rer IVISurer EIe S S1I urer rer Brook Mi MillTcenla 1019atalallTcenla 11 9atala IL 103 103I 103atrkjenPatrician I P R 112Cameo Basso m JO JO1esiilanitloaDesWeratloa es 114 114Jtaciner 114itaninarJtaciner 104PIFTU psr lUCElhreereer4lds reeyecrowi and uptrs upmnl see seeslkfl slkM ay WClOdhouae IQ 161lTh l Bight t 113 IMpntcnr lf trrar 151 151Mystery 151MyMeryMystery 112SIXTh I JIACIiAJI tC1I I sea I sx fur ferlasesRactne n II IIUlJIlr 1 1Doilr IT IThellshells Btee B 1151 1151Pre9dent 115 115Preldent 115PreddentPre9dent Monroe 191 191Mrnmt unl 1411iiioitatMrnmt l tlHt ODwweH OD 166 1547he 5 5TheThe Saracan arsnan 113 113JJ IJ5Helle 185BelleJJ Belle He of JeacarnlBv JclUml e M2SEgTlI H RACSt RACStaad atcz ej edtuo fouryearoId fouryearoIdndaad a nd about two miles1 M kgtujan 1111 in i iotrkinXotnkiB Xtitrt N m 132 132George 1321 1321nerts I IGecqeGeorge i nerts Leiper 112 1121 InGlit liar B 132 332EmigrantEmigrant 153 153George 153GOOfie 1S3GeargoGeorge AtireH 132Saratoga SaratogaFIRST SaratogaFIRSTFIRST ST RACE RCEHandicap Handicap fife and enehalf far f fitseers rl eersLong I iF oiig Bell U 113 113Pen 113Pert 113artPen F art JoaatM J 130 ITolemleJ JI olemle Itteke 114 114H mVRIttIM 11rmitesI VRIttIM H Lon 100 MOMay 100M 100luiMay M 3 lui C Celia Ua 95 95Roehaa 9Ie 93oneaRoehaa ll onea IK IeDRO 10iaamaam DRO 00Simglenm II IIJim 108JimJim Jaffnej JaffnejAimee Jaffn m mAimee 127AimeeAimee C CMfe 110 110MireMfe Mire nH Marjerie MarjerieReepe 9f 9fIleepe IfIteepeReepe V V > le6 le6lln 106listenlisten lln ge Ill IllOresaOresa isSECOND MCESoUiBIr Jteepecha5 two milesDIODC D DM roac 132 132Maxtaflian 1321 1321axkofll IMaxtaflian M axkofll Iff IffTHIRD 141THIRD 1 1TIURDTHIRD KACBSetllrtc KACBSetllrtcMomentwH ltACBSeI1lnr1JOIIteRhHR 1L4CFSol1ingioracelnesMomentwH l ioracelnesKBlieesssukl M3 M3KBHeenakie I IBKBHeenakie B K Kllotantrt 36Jotishtllotantrt J 110 1Lights IJgb Out O t 1 1Kerael U UKer 112 112KenisatKerael el H1 H1six 147six T Tsissix farkwgs farkwgsAlgetone furlotlts11j fsrkmgsAlgeloneAlgetone 11j ne Mi 111Delle 141BelleBelle of r 1 Irsupsois ls 00 00he 967hehe WrestIer resUtr HIFOURTH RAOBCbaplain Handicap Hendca erne a aomr and andik lidomr eighth 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91IJ ItJagty34w IJ Ii Ill Ill3Ln I Ilidlid 3Ln Ila liaise IS 05Thoran ITfema HOT 11a W WK 93tcbeK h4ttn tcbe 11 93 93Wacr 9SWaa 93WaWacr Wa Soeed IN INMkim IN31ksun I I3IklMkim 3Ikl C 100 i ISwift Girl GirlRIpnB 1 1lUpn 155 155RpcaRIpnB RIpnBVfce lUpn l III III1A1RIIiI1tlr INLemphus1A1RIIiI1tlr Lemphus Jr I I1e 18 18lvilvi Vfce hand II IIGII1erS 14 14CrOsGII1erS IT M2 EIJaRHRItk JO JOitisanoitkIJaRHRItk MB M2MB IIJUra 1M 1MJItThe Cuesperer INSECOND RACETwy RCETwooratold re4 EdIIIIg i g fire a aB aidoeebaUOII IaaK lumenTin Thou SOAda SO 50Ada IAda A 0 Walker WalkerIHamr 15 15PGIar 36polepole Star Ml MlAlbert 111 151tibcrtAlbert Star 143 IPrieetes Jewel 3eweI10 3eweI10Inn KB KBOnaOna OetiM C CScan Scan MS IEII o 111THIRD ltAC HACBFouMrcaroMs ftreIdJ sad psrard ell tcHaiwt sellhaItr about six f fiukaseoRfo oa 05Absies IAbsies AbsiesD WiDannie D pplsGold pplsGoldDsand GeN WiI MS IDsand DsandHighHigh Chance 1M IPratpcro Ms MsToeeaRToeeaR ToeeaRBraukaTclatanIdtaIssues M6 M6AJeBCM 155AlssscAJeBCM Alsssc Hi Hi1Itta IN111gb r rZlkkZlkk Bear 112JIURTII ValtIl purse threeyear threeyearcc Ad apnrd o eu DIReLA LAenm ES ESi ESPieteuuelouiIi IiP1IidaIaileP1IidaIaile i 651Pieteuueloui 10 10UIRIrJ IN IN3loueeeils3loueeeils 1 IN IN1n11y1rIo r 1n11y r PriBi IB IBIrime lISIIrime I ABBM tbaM IKFn Fivrn J JlACIiJarG1da ACBTwosesrrduisperse as f IscissigsGJimIa JO I IJ IlMrJ lMr CkI CkIaat IN INtsssttssst aat RI lU 113iJ JlIT IlCtioa lIT W i +n lB lBcluuioicluuioi nIt n nSea III IIISeshupSea Seshup 111 111CoCo Corsuab rncob 111 ISIXTH KACBTbrwjwr relds Ws and upward upwardone sell s shaemedIeawIlytihIe haemedIeawIlytih one Mile 1Id d Ml janfe jTenet 10 10MauieasdocMauieasdoc = J 98J 119 119PInt 98 IPInt Masse III10 10tAuMkte 110 110LatellueLenHBe tAuMkteEarl LatellueEarl ME MEKarlEarl R ItJ Began frs Mi MiStSt Je J t M6 116WItEbcwtdieeu WIt M MFort Erie ErieFIRST ErieFIRSTFIRST RACE RACE RACESemeilgbths Serawfehtbs UIS r f a mile naWoa maid maidtl nasidseraoasr4Itl cJfW4ik raoasr4II HoUi H liemerd liemerdIe w rd 100 100LOBLOB Xlfite XlfitePrtBce IGII1 h h1DC1Cftllh 100 100Isolmel I1DC1Cftllh 1DC1CftllhPJtMie IN INlzfamPrtBce 3111 > I a MC MCIlwiy INharryharry Aisles = RfcB Risbeess RisbeessAisles NB 111j = MS jEe c cslask esfestJc IT ITTagaae ITa93M INTagaiwTagaae TagaaeGtaM IN INGlassGlass MMDriBe MMDriBeSadie 1Ii 1IiS INsdlSadie S sdl Gair 011118L Isy IN INquaisquais 118L 118LLa flut IN INLainpisbeeneLa Lainpisbeene DISBCOXD SBCO > RACBThrrcfeartBft of a a mile three tIt threewarelulJftoOhk Hd aplfant sellIng I311s J CrieR II IIGl5t 18UnatGreat Sorcerea Si SiHad 9iItIC 93ltadatttiiHad ItIC ltadatttii let K IiF1ft 10FheF1ft Alarm AlarmOleasa Ii Ii0I8a0I8a 9iTm Bell Belle 9T rCws4denti Coeskieradon Ml B g gDaBMcKcBB 9 9ietI5 S SyeSoseEGllMdera yeSose ietI5 1411 1411cK IIDaBMcKcBB DaBMcKcBBTin Dais McKcua cK 1Ii IN rrrTin HBrst M7 rTHIRD RACKFIT ItACFh5 and eaebalf fHrioogs two twoimroto tireyseteldeimroto MrGllk SOw OmBug DQr 051 051G I IGResGRes G IS 18akiasSaUram SaUramHestfle SaltnemeMiR akiasflesutilo IHestfle eMiR Hyphen 1MMS MSLaAr ILaAr I r E ElkIMlra khen M3 M3EeBltc 10 I IEsaltHftcEeBltc M3 10 IFOURTH RAOBOae R rone mile tsreej Utree threeyearolds ud am I InpraidapnId 5e111D1tWtNk UIk Green K KDele 54Dole I IDeleDele StroMe Je SS SSKm IiEft 10EnQaireKm EnQaire ClAIre IS IFrank CeM CeMSBBWMB 114 IS ISwaasSBBWMB SBBWMBSt waas 111 111St 10 10StSt St Jessie JeaBBeTrackless J 14 14T IS ISTrickleaTrackless T 1eIII 1ISse sethreeyostoldthreeyearoMf t1tree and vpward semis H kgSSBlessmale o LWit LWitJwie IS ISJ 3 3ieeeJwie J Time 91 91Crafty 91CntltJ IicrestCrafty crest 95GeU 95 ISMoonMoon eoa Gold G tI3 tI3cn 53Callcn 9LeV Dixro MO MOToddles 10 IToddles XX MPlFTII IUCETJmetCMZt a of t a mile three threeyser4IIdaMNIIIh and vpestd MIIIDt sdlHilton HiltonBath 9i 9iRatk Ii IiJktltBath Maria 1IartAJ S3 S3Juha 93Ju1J Ju1 Juha aliIL GeBUfaenjer 95cossey15 15JungleJungle lap m mDentette tDlrlctte 14 14DararetteDentette Mi MiRmftle 1f 1fn I IliesellisRmftleDaU n Rmftle 15 15I 3 3DstPeteDIddt DstPete DaU Pete P 1 1IIIFEW REED BIRDS LABOR DAY DAYBnt DAYnutnut Prospects for Good Sport This ThisFall ThisFnll ThisFall IFall Arc Bright BrlRhtFrom DrlJbtFrom BrightFromFrom present indications Ind atlons there will be beplenty bepleuty b bplentyplenty of reed birds this fall in the themarshas themarsh61S thuthuImarshes abounding along the Potomac Potomacand Potomacand Potomatand Iand Its tributaries tributariesQuite tributariesQuiteQuite a few have already been bt n seen seenon Beenon 1on the th Eastern Branch though the oats oatsare oatsare oabare Iare not yet et ripe ripeGuns ripeGunsGuns and boats are in big demand deman l but butthe butthe be tbeIthe outlook at present would seem to toindicate toIndicate V Vindicate Iindicate that there will be more gun gunners gunners guntiers ners than birds on LaborSDay LaborSDayIIKE LaborDajLIKE LaborDayLIKELIKE SILK CARROLL CABROHWashlngfonlan CARROLLVashfngionlan CARROLLWashingtonianWashingtonian Becomes a Favorite Favoritewith FaTorltcwith S Swithwith Fans at a Richmond RichmondFrom RichmondFrom RichmondFromFrom From the Richmond Journal JournalSilk JournalS1lk 3oitrnalSilkSilk Carroll the Colts new first base baseman baseman basemall man who Joined j lned the club Saturday Saturda and andcovered andcovered ani anicoveredcovered first base in the th double header headerwith headerwith headewithwith the Truckers made a very favorable favorableimpression faorableImpression favorabiImpressionimpression on the fans in his initial per performances perfornumc performances formances s on the local diamond dlamonl1Con81derlng diamondConsidering j jConsideringConsidering the fact that Carroll left leftMartinsburg lertllarUnsburg Id t tMartinsburgMartinsburg W Va on Friday night nighttraveled nighttNVtledtraveled all night long went into the thegame thogame th thgame Cgame before an immense crowd naturally naturallyI naturalhnenroua naturall 1 1nervousI nervous and anxious to make good his hiswork hiswork hi S Sworkwork showed up remarkably wet On the thebases thebases th e ebasesbases Carroll proved mighty might fast fast cover covering COYcrlag coverlag lag ground in good shape and his slide slideto slideto slid slidtoto second in the first game showed that thathe thatho tho thohoho was not afraid to lay la down when whennecessary wise hen hennecessary 1 1necessarynecessary He stretched stretc ed what is ordi ordinarily ordinarll ordlnarily narily narll a good single Into two bases by his hisspeedy hisspeedy hi hispeedyspeedy base running and nn nnfirst andon on first base he heraked heraked ii iirakedraked in everything eer thlng that came his way waybeing wa wabeing wabeingbeing tall and husky husk In a pinch he heseemed heseemed Ii Iiseemedseemed to reach out about six feet and andtake andtake an d dtaketake tho ball In thus assisting the in infielders Infielders Ir 5fielders materially He stands at the bat batnicely batnicely hr hrnicely 5A Anicely and laid down one or two neat neatbunts neatbunts nor Lbunts which unfortunately rolled foul foulbut foulbut 1but had they rolled fai he would have havebeat haebeat liar ebeat out easily lIy thus giving him hits for forthem forthem Ic urthem On his first appearance he looks looksgood looksgood lool 3good and with a bit of seasoning and andafter andafter an danIafter his natural nervousness wears enrs off offIt offit of IIt is believed he will make the Colts Coltsgood a agood agoodgood first sacker sackerCarroll sackrCnrrollCarroll was dubbed Rube by the fans fansSaturday fansSaturday far IsSaturday afternoon and the nickname nicknamewill nicknamewill nicknaniwiildoubtless ICwill wiildoubtless doubtless stick stlckto to him himTHE himTHE himTHETHE COCHRAN COCHRAN14th14th and K Streets NW NWEuropsan N W WIuropsan WSuropeanEuropsan Plan PlanWaolInsionS PanVuaMDlfonlt PlanWanhlngfousWaolInsionS Seat Hotel HotelSpecial 1I0telSpecial hotelSpecialSpecial Rates to toWrite toJAIESTOn toJA3IESTOWNJAIESTOn VlSXTORS VlSXTORSrite VlSTORSVr1teWrite Vr1te rite for Tc Terms TermaEUQIiE Termssuavig u uEUOCNCEUOCNC EUQIiE C S C COCHRANManas r5 iWonder what t Merts M will alsy say lo t day dayI I > YI Store closes daily at 6 p m mI m mAt iT iTAtI At the Sign of tlio Moon 1Blue or orFancy orFancyIFancy FancyStsits FancySuits I ISuitsSuits StsitsWorth SuitsWWorth W ortb to to2O20To order orderfor f18 Q QforOfor forO fP fPDecide it itDecide0 Decide quickly if you want wantone wantone wantoneone of these suits Choice of ofplain ofplain I Iplainplain blue and fancy fabrics fabricsBest fabricsBest fabricsBestBest workmanship Fit guar guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed anteed anteedMERTZANoMERTZco anteedMERTZ anteedMERTZANDMERTZANoMERTZco MERTZANoMERTZcoSOS MERTZ MERTZAND AND MERTZ MERTZco co co90SSOS F Street StreetVIRGINIA StreetVIRGINIA StrotVIRGINIALEAGUEIIVIRGINIA VIRGINIALEAGUE VIRGINIALEAGUEYESTERDAYS LEAGUE LEAGUEYESTERDAYS LEAGUEYESTERDAYSYESTERDAYS RESULTS RESULTSnelilmrfiTf RESULTSLTncJ11mrg RESULTSLynclslurgLTncJ11mrg nelilmrfiTf 2 2J Portsmouth O OLynchbnrfir OVTnehbnrg 0LynchburgLynchburg 4 Portsmouth 0 0Danville ODanTUle 0DanvilleDanville 5 Rounote 1 1Danville 1DanTIllc 1DnnviIlcDanville 3 Roanoke 1 1Norfolk 1Xorfolk 1NorfolkNorfolk 3 Richmond S STODAYS 2TODAYS ZTODAYSTODAYS GAMES GABIESNorfolk GAJIESorfoJk GAMESXorfollcNorfolk orfoJk at Porf PorhunOutJ PorhunOutJRlel PortamloathRlch mtmtli mtmtliRichmondRichmond Rlel nond at Roanoke RoanokeLynchbnrff RoanokeLneJ1bnrg RonnokeLyncJsburgLynchbnrff at Danville DanvilleSTANDING DanTllIe61XDING DanvilleSLtNDIyGSTANDING OF THE TEAMS TEAMSW TBA1SW TEASISWLPCtW WLPCt LPet1 L W WLPct WLPctXsrfolk LPct LPctXerfoik L Pet PetXerlolkXerfoik 3 U 1rl1 416 it Roanee Ire1S IS X XMeaburs 0 0hrMbbl4rmMeaburs hrMbbl4r 55 47 JM I HirtoBunii tf H IIDUTftfe 445 S SJMTlBeJMTlBe ijairThe 56 43 AI S 518 1 Ida > K OTAXES 353 sTAXES 353TAKESTAXES DOUBLEHEADER ADOTJBLEHEADEKDanville A DOUBLEHEADERDanTflle DOUBLEHEADERDanvilleDanville Han Won Eleven of the theLast thelaRt theIustLast Twelve Games Played PlayedSpecial PIaedSleCia1 PlayedSpecialSpecial to The Washington Herald HeraldDanville HeraldDanvllle HeraldDanvilleDanville Va Aug 2S SoRoanoke Roanoke lost lostboth lostbotlt lootbothboth games to Danrille in n the double doubleheader cioublebeader doubleheaderheader here today to ay The locals have won woneleven woneleven on oneleveneleven of the last twelve games played playedLavinder playedLavinder playedLaviriderLavinder was a little wild in the first firstgame firstgmue firstgeniegame a wild pitch giving glvln the visitors visitorstheir visitorstheir visitorstheirtheir only run He was Invincible at atcritical aerJUcal a acriticalcritical stages stages Pitcher Hersman twirled twirledgood twirledgood twirledgoodgood ball with the exception ex ptJon of the sec second second seeond ond inning innlngwhen when five ve clean hits were wer se secured secured secured cured curedIn curedIn curedInIn the second game am Morrteeey allowed a ahome ahome ahomehome run a triple three doubles and two twosingles twosingles twosInglessingles The feature was the home run runby runIt runbyby It Fisher A wild 9fld pitch by Walsh W Jsb for forDanville torDanville forDanvilleDanville gave Roanoke its only score score In Inthis Intbts Inthisthis game Scores ScoresFbat SooresFIrIC ScoresFlrstgaaeFbat Flrstgaae game ute R n RHE RHEDistills H E EIteUcricsLaviBBcr E EDaDa Distills 54911111x4 4 1 xf 8 1 1R 1licaakcR licaakc ke 11518511015 1 fl 5 5BaUcrtsIAtlWer 9 9BatlexiesLitludsrIteUcricsLaviBBcr x aid 4 RJFB It 32s H HStem He and Mc McIesn c cK cSIeK IesnStem SIe ca game IM R K H IL E EDI EDaadlleDI Daadlle 1 111181x4 1 1 xJ x xlteak 7 7BeueriesWafeh 0 0Itsanekulteak 11111104 0 1 JI I IBaturi 2 2Patis1eWakhBeueriesWafeh Baturi Waklt aid Rr P Paa a Morrjawr S edsssy and Mc McKeea McKenia Ic IcK8IIKeea UmflreMr UmflreMrLyncltliurg l lLncbJmr CelItwss CelItwssLynclsburgLyncltliurg LncbJmr Takes BothStMdaI BothSMal Both BothSpecialSpecial to The WaAtagfcoo W Wa hsgbos o Herald HemMLynchburg HemIcIL HeraldLyncbburgLynchburg L Va Aug 21 tLYBChburg tLYBChburgwas Lyncbbur Lyncbburwaswas a doubleheader do blebeder from Portsmouth Portsmouththis Portmoutht Portsmouththisthis t ls afternoon taking the first firSt fir game on onthe onthe n nt1tethe wildness of o Leonard and the second secondby SftOndbr secondbyby hard hitting Vail the erstwhile Rich Richmondor R1chmonder RIchmendermender being the victim victimWith rlcUM1th victimWithWith 1th the bases full sill in the fourth inning inningof Inningof Inningofof the first game Leonard forced two tworuns twonms tworunsruns In by hitting a batter and walking walkinganother walkinganothtr walkinganotheranother In the second game game Stewart Stewartwas Stewartwas Stewartwaswas effective throughout and the Truck Truckers Truckers Truckhad ers had no chance to score seer only one man mangoing mangoing mangoinggoing as far as third Scores ScoresFirst ScoresFirst ScoresFleragumeFirst Fleragume game m R n RILE H II E 1Lyaws 1Mr i t x 4 5PcrktnoHt fttffte I 7 7BatterfcsOafckjr 1 1Bat 1DatterksOakIBatterfcsOafckjr Bat DatterksOakI teriesOaklcS aad Boae Leant IeeautI and Borne BamsUmpireairUmpireair Umpire rr ThaW TteAySecond Tr TrStc ThaWSecoudgameSecond Secoudgame gaaae R R 1LHE H II E 1LyneBlwrff LJl L e O12IGI1x4 1 11 1 xl 9 90r IortIIDoIUk rt me tk IIISIS5G4 t t t CM I IBsUeriesStewart 42 42BsU t tBaUerk6StewutBsUeriesStewart BsU rkuStewart aad BMBX Ta Vd BB ned J Sent Saflinw Sentmenw Umpire tmttIreJr Mr Planar 3Iana 1tHn AUm AU M1esiaes19 M1esiaes19Richniond 111 Richmond Gives One Array ArraySpecial AwayS50d51 wa waSpcelalSpecial to The WaaWBste W Henid HenidNorfolk HIIINorColk HumidNorfolkNorfolk Va Aug 2S SoThe The wildness of ofSalve ofSalvo ofSalveSalve and the errors of his team mates matesgave matesgave matesgavegave Norfolk orfolk a 3to2 3to victory Setor over Rich Richmond Richmond Richmond mond this afternoon The locals did not nothave nothave nothavehave to make base s hits to secure secruns runsThe visitors bunched bU c ed hits In the ninth and andmade andronde andmademade a sensational finish ftnJsh but stopped one onerun onerun onerunrun short oftylug the game Score ScoreLScoreRaER RaE RaEorfeUt H E Eorfolkyesfolk orfolk L OIilIOIIx4 ll 1 1 0tIx3 1 x 3 0icameod w0f l32 8 3 3BatteriesLf 3ILUerleLeucb 3BaUeriesLoijkBatteriesLf ILUerleLeucb ea aid Edwards Sake tad Osnrn OsnrnPAESON Wan WanPARSON sean seanPARSONPARSON DAVIES ALL IN INFormer INFormer INFormerFormer PuRillstic Manager a Xer Xervons ierous Ncrs NcrsvOusvons ous Wreck In Buffalo DnffaloSpecial BuffaloSpecial a1fnJa a1fnJaSpeclAlSpecial to The Washington Wa iDttoo Herald HeraldBuffalo HeraldButral HeraldBuffaloBuffalo Aug 2S 3SParson Parson Charles E EDaviesTWell EDavleswUDaviesTWell known in sporting and the theatrical theatrical theatrical atrical circles Is lying helpless here at atthe atthe atthethe home of Bonnie Fslk the bookmaker bookmakerpractically bookmakerpractlcltll bookmakerpracticallypractically a nervous wreck wr k He had ad just justarrived Justarrived Justarrivedarrived from the Pacific Coast after ant sufferlng sutferlng antferingferlng a breakdown during his stay inChicago ChicagoDavies ChIcagoDavies ChicagoDaviesDavies handled Joe oe Cboynski Peter PeterJackson PeterJackson PeterJacksonJackson Tommy Tommy Ryan and nd other noted notedpugilists notedpuglUsts notedpugilismpugilists In his day He became Interest Interested interested I Ieded in the Lyric Theater at New Orleans OrleansIn ns nsInIn the middle SOs and later opened Elec Electric Electric tric Park In that city cityJamestown cityJamestown cltyJamestownJamestown visitors are arriving daily dailyand dallyand dailyandand looking for furnished rooms An adIn The Herald will get them The Herald Heraldhas Hern1dhashas the largest IaI est circulation at Norfolk and andampstownJamestown ampstown of any Washlnsrton ashlncton paper paperGet paperGet paperGetGet Guns GunsNow GunsNowThe Now NowThe NowTheThe Hunting Hu l1uxitin ting Season SeasonOpens SeasonOpens SeasonOpensOpens Monday Sept 2 2E 2EWE E are showing the largest largestassortment largestassortment largestassortmentassortment of highgradeGuns In the city and ourprices pri es are always alw s the lowest We Wethingare also headquarters for every ithing necessary for a huntingtrip tripAmmunition Ammunition Hunting SuitsSeparate Pants Shirts Shoes c cLet us furnish your our complete out outDoublebarrelfit fitDOl1b1ebI1cil1 1prices hpricesDoublebarrel Hammer Shotgnaa s9 g n npricesprices range npurard from lrom1fJ lrom1fJDoublebaml ipf Cll7 ip 00 ojij ojijDoublebarrel j jDoublebarrelDoublebarrel Haramcrlew H le Shot Shotguns in i r nfguns at prices upward from fromp fromSinglebarscl ipjLOiUU ipjLOiUUSinglebarrel l15 00Singlebarrel Shot Shotguns aas flnfstcjr Snest Snestmade ft ftmade madeGunning PJUO PJUOGnnning 500 500GnnnlnGnnning Gnnnln Coat 4 game pmemd 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